Add building claim mechanics

So I’m noticing a lot of petty clans are still spamming building garbage all over. This is getting old. Building decay will not fix the inherent issue of structure griefing. So, I propose a new system of “claim flags”.
A clan cannot have more than 3 claim flags. Each flag allows land claim for up to a certain wide radius.
Any structure outside of the radius can be claimed / demolished by anyone. Likewise any flag claim except the “prime flag” should be contestable, i.e capture the flag. (however the flag should take some time to capture, like 20 minutes of uninterrupted occupation of its immediate (2 meter) vicinity by an opposing force)

Once a flag is placed it cannot be moved without losing claim.
It takes 20 minutes to claim an area.
Bombs, trebuchets, land mines etc are immune to claim flags.
Flags cannot be placed near the radius of an existing enemy flag. A neutral buffer radius extends just outside the land claim buffer. So every land claim radius is encircled with non claimable land (that is still buildable)

With such a claim system in place (paired with a strict building structure limit) Building spam would be cut down significantly with anyone being able to claim/demolish any building or structure not under a legitimate land claim flag. An added bonus of this feature would also be players being able to design custom flags or banners for their clans. The flag mechanic would also provide more meaningful pvp engagements to capture or defend flag claimed outposts or structures, or even give active players a way to claim abandoned/inactive structures from other clans. Thoughts?

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Compromise? Considering there are larger clans out there. An initial 2 uncontestable(home) flags plus 1 contestable(yard?) per 5 clan members excluding the leader.

I don’t agree. I like to build small out posts in a few places on the map. But I get it. Massive buildings all over getting in the way.

It’s not the massive buildings it is the scattering of small foundations all over to block others from building in PvP or blocking for resources.

I mention something similar before, A player gets 1 large flag to claim land. and 2-4 smaller one for small wheel of pain camps etc.

BUT, I can just make spare PSN’s…and go nutts,(I have Japanese and NA one, +2 for dragons dogma XD) or Clan (even if clan leader needs 5+ members to earn a Clam claim flag)

The claim flags do little but one thing i wanted.
Was a player sets one down, to just cut off other users from placing non “attack base/player” objects near by. So they decay quicker in my claim zone. And allow player to more freely set foundations down so timers are better connected.

One of main issues thou, no matter claim limits, or staff add more “no build here” zones, people will just make bigger and bigger walls. So stuff outside flag zone would break faster, but with multi character…wont matter.

We need better ways report, and ways to get the walls removed. And Staff to stop in on these reports and break them down.

Now Steam user, get limits on family account under main, so they have limit. (last I checked)
Xbox user also have limit (was issue with DD, may not be now)
PS4 user thou… have zero limit, So fix would help 2 of 3 user bases. (and if they bought disc version, no share limit)

Anyone looking to be a jerk…is gonna do so, and go thru lengths to do so…
The limits now, just take away from normal players trying make cool bases offline or normal stuff near places. =(

I like idea of claim flags, and some of fun. they dont really solve all issues, or enough.

We really need better report tools, or people to go in and tear down the walls and stuff blocking stuff.


Of course claim mechanics can be tweaked but erecting foundation / building / structure spam is not realistic warfare or pvp. Structures being inanimate objects should be claimable or easily destructible if no one is around to contest. Effortlessly spamming hundreds of sandstone foundations outside of someone else’s base rather than constructing an actual fob or siege tower is low effort cowardice. Someone could use alt accounts I suppose but better account creation/use mechanisms (or AI analysis of account usage) could deter this. Maybe even legal action against those who repeatedly violate EULAs or gameplay TOS (but that can be costly and is a whole other topic )
The simple solutions here are either to hard code building piece limits, implement a flag claim system with added PVP mechanics or make it absurdly easy to claim or deconstruct uncontested structures. Building decay alone is not solving it and clans that abuse low effort building spam are really negating the spirit of PVP. I don’t think Conan ran around dumping thousands of foundations and structures in the novels to defeat enemies.

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Ah. I see. That’s annoying

I would rather see a three to five flags per owner system, as the whole ownership is built around ownership, not players or clans. I would have suggested something like more for clan too, but when thinking about it, it makes no sense thanks to the ownership system.

Its both less and more of an issue on pvp. Less because stuff can be blown away, more because of security landclaim. Thus its balanced. While the best resource areas might be blocked on pve to grief other players, people do something similar to hinder other players from setting up a trebuchet.
I took a peek at 1111. The whole volcano has been built over, and there are rumors of a single player clan having undermeshed there. (Though that same guy who said this claimed it would still be possible to use some cheat to gain admin access, even though Jens has been claiming that this wouldnt be possible.)

This kind of thing needs to end.

Aside of a single big landclaim flag there could be multiple smaller ones which might be changed by server settings - which then allows for more freedom on solo or private.

I didnt know one can set up multiple toons on a server. Wait, you cant.
Sole way to do this is by using multiple steam accounts which all got the game on them. Though family mode might be used that way? Though ps4 might be true. Maybe the toons should be tied to the game keys instead of steam/user ids?

However noone is asking for 5x5 areas for an outpost flag. Maybe 100x100 for mainbase (I think that should be plenty) and 15x15 for outposts? That would already prove to be very generous. Those who actually build a 100x100 base are likely to melt other players machines away… :joy:

Or an optional sub gets started for real, which then allows for additional staff to be admin for new servers.
Set a few rules like no exessive building (not only speaking of 100.000 pieces forts but landclaim for security too) and no offline raiding and maybe a few else though I cant really think of more. Aside of common stuff like no racism and stuff.

My bad I meant to include pve on my post. PvP is by far less restrictive in means of removing the problem of spammed building blockers than pve. Between griefers and just players taking advantage of the system pve is just screwed over a lot more.

I have a suggestion to go along with claim flags, and for the size limits I have an idea, the claim flags protect your placed objects/structures as normal but outside of the claimed space your structures are neutral anyone can interact with them to include demolish. As for the limit sizes and claimed areas, great idea by the way @Nuria, reduce the sizes to along 75x75 and 12x12. A clan claims ownership of structures why not include unused flags? If clans want to build bigger they have to use more flags even if it means overlapping them. Let flags exceed decay by one day. As for single player/co-op default is disabled for this function protecting their ability to build without handicaps.

This means PvP and pve can cleanup more of the random blocker structures single/co-op is not hindered. Griefers lose some power and clans can not take advantage of the system to the degree they could before.


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This is one of main difference from ps4 and pc thou. PC user get abit more on limits of what can be handle.
outpost flag and wheel comment wasnt meant as 5x5, but a outpost base. Wheel of pain, hut holding stuff for that area, some walls.

For me, its main house and crafting house. 2+ outpost that are small 3x3 house and wheel of pain, 11x11 map room. 8x8 altar house off to side.
(thats more PVE) Since you need to go turtle/pyrimad in pvp.

I basically kinda gave up on online cause of people putting penis on lawn, or ■■■■ symbols. Or blocking off large section of map, path ways between areas, putting blocks on all irons.

On ps4 side, no amount of flag limit or land claim would stop anyone from being a jerk, might stop a few…not enough.

I did say defaulted to disabled to leave single/co-op free to play unhindered. I remembered to include you guys in my suggestion.


Maybe the forum should just auto-reply any suggestion with “I don’t like this because solo/co-op. Sincerely, Shadoza”. Would save a lot of time!


past of issue is, alot of core mechanics are “everybody”

It was asked before when they put “can’t build here” around several locations, which screwed over solo/co-op players.
its unlikely to change. =/

You can see why people get abit defensive. XD Me included. As I switch to co-op with friend and mostly solo cause of jerk people in PVE servers…

Plague going thru servers… and rats have free room. Alot of fixes don’t involve rats directly…

From a development standpoint they should be able to make rule / mechanic exemptions based on the game mode. When it comes to online game play though a lot of things are still in need of fixing months after launch. Building spam is still a huge problem for PVE and PVP. Clearly conditional decay timers are not working. I also see similar issues in ARK, but wildcard’s solution is having a 24/7 raid window and having visible GMs with a backdated ticketing system that just doesn’t scale. The building mechanics in this game is flawed in that people can build so close to one another and that players cannot exert control of inanimate objects/structures. IRL its going to take weeks to build a huge wall with only people (and in ancient times probably much longer) but in CE the time/cost for clans to spam away around resource nodes, next to other players etc is next to nothing. There’s no real PVP, no raiding/sieging just low effort troll clans effectively winning conflicts by spamming infinite garbage all over the map.

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