Hello , so far the game is plagued by claim mechanics that everytime you place a block or a station you claim the land surrounding it … This leads to griefing and ugly spam of blocks here and there … My solution is simple and I think elegant.
Introduce the New Flag System.
When you want to claim a territory you need to build a Claiming Flag or Banner…
This can start from low level Banners made of raw elements like branches and straw , that can claim an area sufficient to build a small house to large banners tier 3 or 4 that have the wide area needed for larger bases .
Types of Flags
- Main Flag
- Clan Flag
- Outpost Flag
- Siege Banner
- Neutral Flag
Main Flag — the main base flag that claims territory , has wider area than other flags and has free manteinance . Max 1 per clan. Cannot be destroyed or have a very very high hp.
Only one main Flag is available per clan ( free manteinance ) Main flag can be upgraded or abandoned, if abandoned it will be set as inactive and will slowly decay its radius in time and disappear . Flags should be possible to be moved , for just technical reason to adjoust its position. -
Clan Flags, Used to expand the territory around the main flag, max number = 3 x tier of main flag . They cannot be placed too far from the main flag border and require their area to touch the main flag area. They do not require manteinance but can be destroyed, very high Hp.
Outpost flags — they require manteinance , have a smaller circle of radius. Max number = Tier of main flag. Can be destroyed and once destroyed imediate decay will start for all buildngs around. Outpost banners can be used to enlarge the territory and expand the buildable reclaimable area. Those Banners need to be cared for and feeded with reinforcements every now and then to not make them decay apart the main one that will stay as long as the creator is around it . This forces clans to not spam around buildings everywhere but are forced to stay whitin limits of their own main flag , so they can choose to make an outpost for mining ,for thralls or for sieging someonelse, when the task is finished they could decide to keep or remove the outpost.
Siege Banner its used for besieging an enemy clan , its temporary , it requires manteinence constantly and can be destroyed , it has asmall area enough to build some structures and place siege weapons. Max number of Siege banners = tier of main flag
Neutral Flag This is a special kind of flag used for public works , like a usefull for everyone elevator , a bridge that crosses a river, it allows to build public works that everyone could use.
It has a certain number of Hp according to tier level , so anyone can destroy if they want to do not allow for building doors and lockers or special stations around apart from certain ones, so no lockers, no doors, no siege weapons, but yes to teleports, stairs , elevators etc. Their decay time is subject to the use of it , if for example someone ueses the elevator resets the decay time etc . Neutral flags need to match the style of the dominating thrall clan around so you might need black hand banners, desert dogs, nordheimer or else to place them in those territories.
What do you think of this idea ? I hope you like it .
I think it could definetly solve the building spam , the griefing spam and so on .
This requires of course that any other item , foundation , building or station placed out of a flag radius will decay instantly according to the tier level. may be an hour , half an hour or 10 minutes.
Items placed no longer claim anything .
Items cannot be placed out of an area of a flag.
The only items that can stay out of this mechanic are:
- bedrolls
- tents
- campfires
- small palizades
temporary tents, bedrolls , small campfires etc , the campfires should be out of this mechanic.