I am sure some people may recall I made this suggestion and this time I believe I have it completely worked out or at least a work around providing that the current suggestion doesn’t work.
Okay I have proposed before a system with the Bed/Bedroll land claim idea. Now most structures of a small size I will provide pictures either right now when this is done or later if they aren’t on my phone. But! I believe that by having a Bedroll/Bed system will work with this idea the bed and or bedroll will actually allow for the structure its placed on to be extended to the maximum length of decay time being 336 hours, now I believe this actually should be a restrictive radius and that it should have a setting to increase or decrease the radius that can extend the amount of building space you claim but while you can only have two buildings because it is a bed system and that the bed actually has to be bound to your person this would allow you to only claim two spots for a extended period of time while I believe all other buildings should be capped at 5 days or 7 one week.
This is a fair amount of time and if you can’t play for a week well your two other bases are still there for sure. So no issue. Now obviously the way the structure around land claims would need to be adjusted for clans obviously but I am too tired on the semantics of this subject all things considered.
Now if you can’t get this concept to work out the absolute way to fix this is. Instead of just logging on all decay timers being reset you should have to be within a proximity of the structure that you own and must stay within the structural limit for 1-3 hours straight or accumulative amount of time going back and fourth while playing the game this would force people to make a priority of the structure they want to keep forcing people with massive amounts of structures to increase the amount of upkeep.
More buildings while having the decay time slowly restore over time rather than instantly when running near the buildings would be perfect.
For that matter some structures like camp fires should not claim land so I can cook food on the go.
If I notice an issue with spelling or my poor phrasing I’ll correct it, if someone see it please inform me so I can fix the wording. I am not good at speaking due to a social disability. So please help me improve.