For those who were not around for the first cache, here is a breakdown of it. As usual here are my indexes with the complete list of caches.
*Anniversary 2018 Cache was based off of / used similar elements of this cache.
Note: This time around there are no recolored outfits / pets / mounts from the Locksmith vendor.
Mount - Agarthan Wings
Outfit - Agarthan Machinest
Pet - Gaian Sprig Pet
Anima-Touched Weaponn Reward Bag
- Anima-Touched Assault Rifle
- Anima-Touched Blade
- Anima-Touched Blood Magic Focus
- Anima-Touched Chaos Focus
- Anima-Touched Elementalism Focus
- Anima-Touched Fist Weapon
- Anima-Touched Hammer
- Anima-Touched Pistols
- Anima-Touched Shotgun
Extraordinary Weapon Reward Bag
- KSR-43 Assault Rifle
- Razor’s Edge Blade
- Anthology of Hemorrhages Blood Magic Focus
- Warped Visage Chaos Focus
- Infernal Apparatus Elementalism Focus
- Sov-Tech Wrath Enhancers Fist Weapon
- Pneumatic Maul Hammer
- Heavy Caliber Pistols Pistols
- Sov-Tech Demolisher Shotgun
Purified Talisman Distillate Bag
Purified Weapon Distillate Bag
Purified Signet Distillate Bag
Purified Glyph Distillate Bag
*Increased the amount of distillate XP gained when opening Purified Distillate Reward Bags gained from caches. The amount gained increases based on your highest achieved Item Power. Change as of Patch 2.1.5
Additional Contents:
Bag of Third Age Fragments 8-12
OR Hoard of Third Age Fragments 45-55
Pure Anima - Supreme Potency 1-2