I’d like to know if we’re going to have a new item cache soon, because i already have everything this current cache contains since a few months.
I’d like to know if we’re going to have a new item cache soon, because i already have everything this current cache contains since a few months.
Yes, we’ll cycle in a new cache soon.
Yes of course how silly of me
Fixed your fix
Dear Little Friend,
Are you in the next cache? I miss you. Please come back.
Sincerely yours,
Or did I just trick you into informing me
Hell at this point I’d settle for looping back to the Agarthan Cache.
I’m interested in new stuff, too, but…pretty please? It never got an alt version (and I never got the wonderful outfit…and if we loop back, my partner might eventually have a chance at getting those sci-fi pistols that she is quite upset she never managed to get).
New cache is needed…just hope its not a MiB themed one for the Agents release.
Question to devs : Is it technically possible to make a cachenado event in which they are all avaliable from the ones we previously saw ?
I can sell you few old caches, if you want.
Fun fact, they listed “New Story Content Cache” in the Financial report so guessing it will be theme around season 2
Ah-ha! so I wasnt the only one that saw that
I predict the next Cache will have agent Phatz in it… (you heard it here first)
People that know me from discord are aware that I am well informed about the next cache…
…definitly Kawaii cache, no doubt.
Tempting, but I don’t think I’d be able to afford/trade for the older ones.
Your call.
Yeah I’m expecting a story related cache this month that includes at least one agent.
Also take your time with Agarthan Caches (either bring back this summer or integrate items into max end rewards of some feature) - I want the skins badly (if not the full weapons equipped) but whenever I want some thousands of Marks I just sell a few Agarthan Caches at this point. Tee hee.
That when they’re releasing the Anime-touched weapons? (impractically large melee weapons, guns that fire 2000 missiles out of them, spells with DBZ-like mushroom cloud effects)