Age 2 Prediction: Age of Gods

I am fairly certain that the religions in the Exiled Lands are supposed to be shams. I think removing some of the more obvious issues, like Mitra accepting human sacrifice could be adjusted, but I don’t think the real Mitra has anything to do with the Exiled Lands.


If he is, exceptions obviously have been made given his continued support of Conan. Honestly I think this belief lies more within Mitraen followers believing it than Mitra directly pushing it.

This would be the biggest issue, yes. Mitra and Set are as far opposite as possible. If any religions had to be mutually exclusive, it’d be these two.

This is likely what will happen. Mek-Kamoses’ ritual and the death of Kurak will bring about great changes that we can only begin to fathom. MK thinks the ritual will bring down the wall, Kurak was plotting to “swallow” the Exiled Lands, which we still don’t know fully what that even means.

It’s entirely possible that the Isle and the Exiled Lands as of now don’t have presence from the “real” gods because of Nyarlathotep’s overpowering presence and influence over the bracelets; he could very well be intercepting these rituals and prayers masquerading as other deities to stoke conflict among exiles, but with the death of his champion that influence could finally be weakened enough for the real gods to hear the prayers of their devout and respond.


Consider blood of Giants sweeped into ground and created what it did… surprised gods manifestations aren’t just do to that, so there corrupted by people prayers.

To be fair, Conan is an exceptional individual.
Priests seek the gods’ favour. Gods grant favour to followers, but also those who can see their desires fulfilled. Mitra is more of an Ally/Benefactor to Conan than an object of veneration and succor.
Not to overthink too much (but that is what the internet is for) but given the limited amount of explicit canon, we know precious little about Gods that isn’t directly from their followers. It’s not like Derketo asks Conan on a date. What we know is limited, and much of it is from the fan clubs.

Just saying, if this goes off without a hitch, we should be able to thrall fake Conan in the bar. Because thwarting Stygian Sorcerors while a scantily clad Princess is imperilled is sorta his schtick (yes yes, that’s mostly later less canon work).
Jesting aside, it does set up for many options, and a cracked globe can be very interesting…

Main post updated. Thanks again to @Xevyr for finding this new bit of information from the Devkit


I’m not sure :slight_smile: It’s a bit of a pain to rename these things even for them.

But! What if you and Tephra are right? :slight_smile: If the gods we had up to now aren’t really the gods we thought we had?.. What if all of them in fact were impersonated by one of these demons? And now we’ll get some true revelations in the Age of Darkness :slight_smile:

In any case these seem to be special spell-equipment pieces, probably the slot not being exposed on the interface though, but rather casting a spell equips one of these spell items on your character on the backend.

Most of them are unfinished in the way they’re present atm, but a couple of them have some effects coded… and they seem to be quite powerful, so I’m not sure of the usage scenarios… they’re sending mixed signals :slight_smile:

For example Xotli gives 10% str damage bonus, 100 cold resistance, freezes item decay in your inventories, increases swim speed by 200 and incrementally freezes (cripple + frostbite) enemies in a 10 meter radius around the caster. And that’s just what it looks like in its current state, who knows how that might change… :man_shrugging:

You can see what I mean by mixed signals… being an “equipment” essentially implies a long duration… so does preventing food and stuff perishing your inventory… makes no sense to do that for 10 seconds… however the AoE crippling and frostbite seems to be a bit on the strong side for something longer duration.
Based on that, I’m not sure where or how this is going to be used, might not even be in the next age… who knows.

(Disclaimer: I didn’t spend too much time with these, just spotted some random code checking for their presence while looking for other stuff, so I quickly searched for them to see what they’re all about and opened a few of them to see what they do, the rest about their usage is speculation, but I might check more in depth tomorrow)



Katar is the Vendhyan name for Kali. :raised_hands:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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That just adds further credence to the names being placeholder; Xotli is a demon associated with fire, and yet the abilities are all cold based. An ironic placeholder name for Ymir abilities is more likely

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Why snake men? Why not snake women? We have Giant Kings (well their sorry shades), but no mention of the Giant Queens. (probably because they were snake women)

Reptiles have cloacae instead of the orifices to which you might be more familiar. They also do not have mammary glands, which are exclusive to mammals. In species without notable dimorphism, you can’t easily tell the males and females apart without probing into the cloaca. Since serpent-men probably don’t want you probing them, and you probably don’t want to probe them either, it is easier to just say they are all male and be done with it.

Not like it really matters anyway, the serpent-men have lost reproductive ability which is why the Degenerate is the last pure-blood of their kind - possibly excepting the time-traveling Kurak.


I’m familiar with cloaca. That’s why I’m fond of saying: The best way to kill a dragon is to get up in their cloaca and smash. And the “lost the ability to reproduce” is probably just serpent women propaganda.


Getting back on topic…

I’d assume that with only one female god currently in game, any new god added would be more likely to be a female god?

With this list, Wiccana or Kali are the only female options. I’d be happy for either, but personally would prefer Kali.

Pretty sure Serpent men, isn’t “Men” as in Male, Its just a race/species use of it.

Like Race of Man, Race of Men means everyone of human race.


Gender of a deity is very low on the order of relevancy or priority IMO. They should add gods based on what they can uniquely bring to the table, not to conform to mortal gender equality. Gender is a mortal construct anyways, I don’t believe any deity in the lore really needs to be classified as male or female beyond having a proper pronoun to speak of them.

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I know that. I was just responding to thurgond’s conspiracy theory.

You’re 100% correct. :joy:

My thought was, there’s currently 8 religions in the game. 7 of which have avatars. 1 female. I’d like to see another female added.

Yes, you’re right though, it should be based on what they can add to the game.

I will put 1000 crom coins on this is either A) examples for custom spells left in the devkit while they were noodling on how to do sorcery or b) Den trollin y’all.

I’m leaning towards b.

While the second one might be a possibility…
These are not spells as we have in sorcery… these are equippable spell items, they go in the equipment inventory…

And while these children were introduced with 3.0… their parent master blueprint has been worked on every single update since then… and now you even have functions tied into base blueprints looking at whether these are equipped or not… I highly doubt Den would put unnecessary things in BaseBPCombat for example, as a joke.

So while the naming might be a hoax as Jimbo says, the functionality is definitely not old and is part of some future content imo. Though it might not have anything to do with the next age… who knows :man_shrugging:

(If it’s a joke though… it’s about time we found them… like… imagine them sitting on needles… introducing something with 3.0 and nobody talking about it throughout the whole sorcery age lol… )

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Love your speculation. I hope to see an Age of Gods follow this one, if only for the sake of getting Religion relevant in the game again.

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AND as usual, Jimbo is just spitting out awesome lore facts as if they were shells from sunflower seeds.

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