I’m calling it now, Age of the Amazon is a troll and a misdirection. If they have to try tricking us, that means we’re on the right path
Maybe… but I would love to see some amazons.
They already exist. They are on the Isle of Siptah.
Amazons? Where? I’ve never seen any. You sure you’re not referring to a mod? I’ve looked and seen nothing.
Age of the Amazon is a reference to Jeff Bezos buying FC from tencent
Now coming to Luna.
I don’t play on Siptah, so I’m not sure where. I can assure you they do exist on the base Siptah map though.
I would not put it past them to have an Age of Amazons. You have to remember that they have trolled us in the past. Remember Conan Chop Chop…
They are in mods because they are in the devkit. They are a surge faction.
I also remember in my last speculation, they said 3.0 would not be sorcery and that nobody had guessed what it would be. Then it came out that it was, and they said that to throw off the trail. To me, that’s what this false breadcrumb is once again.
My confidence has not wavered, only bolstered.
Ok, I looked them up and found them as part of the darfari faction… eh… I’d like some real ones as an authentic faction. They’re just darfari with warpaints (and mostly ugly hair).
Don’t forget that 1) It is possible that Age of the Amazons has already been spoiled per the latest video, and 2) Oh My Gods, was possibly an early teaser as well.
Personally, I hope they keep the current religion system and simply build on what is already there. I am not a fan of negative retconning.
As I’ve said numerous times already, I am sure that is a fake clue meant to cast doubt on other predictions. Which it seems like is working, fuelled by people spreading it further and further.
Reworking a mechanic isn’t retconning. No rework in the past has retconned anything significant, so I don’t think they’ll start now.
Maybe. I am not so sure. It could very well be the next age’s name, but with a focus on the divine (as well as the addition of news gods, including an Amazon goddess).
They negative retconned witch doctor and several other mechanics. Whether you think it is significant or not is a subjective opinion. I would prefer they didn’t do that and just nerfed the undead pets from the knowledge.
Reworking religion is usually interpreted to mean scraping what has been done before (ie a negative retcon). I am ok with them adding things (ie a positive retcon), that sounds awesome. I just don’t what what already exists to go away.
I would put my money on a full redo of religion rather than a simple add. Adding to it will run the risk of feeling patchwork and skimpy compared to a full bottom-up redesign. Whether its “Age of the Gods” or something else (I would be surprised if it was something so obviously titled), I would bet on religion rework with a version of what has always been called the “settlement system”. It has been discussed since sorcery was conceived and would be a next big feature add. Religion Rework+Settlement System has plenty of story fluff to work with without either being the name of the Age. Certainly there will never be “Age of the Settlement System”….
You might be right based on something Den asked in the Beta Discord.
This one still stands by Age of Civilization, Ancient and Wicked.
Altho that may be too many words…
Well, there’s always the ‘Age of Decadence’ - but I’m pretty sure Iron Tower Studios would take issue with that.
If they do a complete rework, I hope that they allow players to toggle between the two. The current religion system doesn’t feel very exploitative as of now. I don’t see why there would be conflict if they just added to it.