So we had nice Khitan DLC that look like Age of Conan faction gear. I saw rumours about Aquilonian DLC (black dragon gear from Age of Conan).
Can we hope to have raid T1/T2 armor set and culture armors from AOC?
They do look amazing too I’ll gladly support this idea… More armor variety is always good imo… Would also mean some armor has to be nerfed and/or at least balanced, so people actually feel the need to use different armors ofc… But the overall idea is good imo would be amazing, as i think i may have stated already XD
Only issue is in PVP visuals tell you when you are about to fight so knowing the armor set does tell you alot about your opponent personally I don’t care but I have seen the argument here before
Well, i suppose the vanity tab would be a good alternative… I don’t PVP, so the only thing about Silent Legion that actually bugs me, is that everyone run around in it on PVE servers… Gets tiresome to look at but yes, this would be a viable option, even to me ^^ especially if they bring in gear from AoC at some point, that’d be bloody lovely
A vanity tab could make dlc content much easier too, armor (and maybe weapons, if people would want vanity options for that too) wise… Could just leave it as blank slates, and have them be cosmetic options, as they’re advertised as