Age of sorcery wipe official servers?

i would like to know if there will be any official servers wipe, when the update comes

thanks a lot!!



The official servers should be wiped for this update. They are revamping pretty much everything. I also think wiping all servers would bring players back. Anyway, they should wipe.


Fellow exile, I believe you had to be more specific!
On pve servers, if another wipe happens, over 99% of the players will be disappointed. Plus I can’t see any reason for pve to have wipes. Do you speak about pvec and pvp?

I suppose it doesn’t really matter for PVE, but PVP wipes would, I think, attract new players and bring back former players. But I would not frown on an across-the-board wipe of all servers.


Is there an echo in here? :smile:

Weren’t we basically just having this debate already? :stuck_out_tongue:

(this isn’t me being snarky, more just actually confused for a sec… lol)

Well to sum up from the other thread: a lot of PvP people say yeah!, a lot of other PvE people think no!, funcom themselves when asked in the past have, I believe, said not likely.

Then there are those inbetweeners who either don’t care much either way, or would accept it begrudgingly.

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