We’re focusing on building a new update specifically to address your inventory not responding correctly under various circumstances, as well as fixing Sprint toggle.
Inventory management issues include being unable to access chests and vaults, becoming unable to equip armor, multiple items becoming highlighted in your inventory, and more.
The current timeline we’re looking at for this patch release is approximately 2 weeks, assuming all goes well with getting these bugs squashed, build cooked, and patch certified. We’ll keep you updated as soon as we know more. Thanks folks. (also xposted as a reply to this topic)
Greetings, Exiles. It’s never a dull moment here, is it?
We’ve been following along our channels with the releases of Age of War - Chapter 4 and today’s patch and know there’s a lot of work still to do.
Here’s what we’re seeing from you and what else we’re aware of and working on for future updates (in no particular order):
Not all Bearer-type thralls had their HP nerfs reversed
Some items and objects return incorrect amounts of materials when dismantled
Zingaran Mercenary armor requires heavy padding despite being medium armor
“Unable to start crafting item” error when attempting to construct a Stygian Siege Foundation
Redeemed Legion armor set missing option to repair
Character does not continue sprinting even with Sprint Toggle enabled
Player characters and thralls sometimes sink into or through building pieces such as foundations
Foundations cannot be dismantled if placed too deep into terrain
Sepumeru NPCs do not respond correctly to being assaulted with a truncheon
Some bosses do not draw their equipped weapon and only engage in fisticuffs
Alumit Anwilbrow (T4 Blacksmith) does not apply intended durability and weight bonuses to crafted tools
Server crashes on Isle of Siptah
Werehyena Ambushers do not appear for characters over level 60
Malodorous Grand Champion Lure does not count down while offline if left in player inventory (If on a dedicated server, you can work around this by putting it in a chest before logging off, for now)
Brandishing an item while walking causes your character to run, and cannot walk until item is sheathed
Followers aggro and attack friendly Werehyena followers (opposite problem as before, kinda)
Inventory management
Issues retrieving or moving items between inventories and containers (including benches, chests, and player characters)
Item stacks cannot be split via dragging with sorting enabled
Inventory becomes uncooperative when merging stacks of items while Sorting and Filtering are enabled (e.g. cannot equip armor, wrong items selected, etc.)
Issues navigating inventory screens with gamepad
Battle Pass menu and giving orders to thralls share an input by default and conflict with each other
Please note this list is not exhaustive, nor does it necessarily mean every single issue will be addressed in one fell swoop. Let us know of any other issues you encounter with Chapter 4 and today’s patch in this topic. Thank you.
Understood that the list is neither exhaustive, nor guaranteed to be all fixed. But please could you make sure that the devs also take a look at giving us back persistent Custom Inventory sorting (as in can change to a different sorting method and then switch back to custom and have our inventory return to it’s correct places).
Also, please could they at some point give us back use of our mouse pointer in radial menus. The current ‘imitate a controller’ system was not great 15 years ago, but at least then they were mostly porting systems directly across from console games. THis is a major step backwards.
Neither of these issues has been acknowledged at any point, despite numerous requests on the matter. Understandably they aren’t as important as the high priority fixes for actual game-breaking issues - but it would be nice to think they could at least be a priority over things like werehyenas having an unnecessary ‘talk’ button with no dialogue.
Side question - I’d also love some insight into exactly ‘why’ the devs are not happy with bearers having high HP, because I feel like there’s a lot of misinderstanding around this one.
I will add one very important thing to your list you have forgotten:
“We will adress the so called Foundation-Bug, because you were so eager to tell us and spam the Forum about it. So we will look into this gamebreaking matter immediately.”
Thank you for acknowledging some of our concerns @AndyB
Quicklooting - When looting a chest or corpse (on official servers, using Steam with keyboard & mouse setup), the ability to scroll with mouse wheel and use ‘Q’ to select individual items without opening the chest or going into the corpse’s inventory is no longer possible.
It’s after-hours so I won’t be able to get a full response immediately, but I’ll make sure to forward these.
Re: Bearers - The long and the short of it is they’re disproportionately tanky compared to other thralls and that’s not the direction we want to take them. That said, some context for the change was with an upcoming feature in mind - one that would allow you to recover a defeated thrall (with limitations) to mitigate or avoid losing someone you invested a lot of time in. We’re not quite ready to unwrap this feature yet, but stay tuned.
We are aware of at least one commonly-reported issue involving foundations (see above list - players and thralls can sometimes sink through them) but I am not sure what you are referring to. Could you please clarify?
@AndyB Just be smart and roll back todays update until thing are figured out. This issue wouldn’t have been as big if consoles and PC’s didn’t share updates. FC screwed everybody today and should give something back to the community for their repeated blunders. I play mainly on XBox and love crafting but today FC destroyed that costing the company $100 I was going to spend today in the bazaar.
While I’ve not been directly affected by it, I am aware of the ‘foundation bug’ being referenced - it appears that many players are finding themselves and thralls falling through foundations and getting stuck - not just at log in, but throughout gameplay and even while logged out. Several players have reported their character repeatedly drowning (for example) and thus losing all of the items on their characters body.
This seems to be a separate bug from the ‘death spots’ in some locations around the map - but reports could easily be getting mixed together because both are referred to as ‘falling through the world’ and losing everything.
“Some bosses do not draw their equipped weapon and only engage in fisticuffs”. They’ll fit right in with my thralls! I can sit back and enjoy the boxing match!
Sorry, the second half of my reply to you was directed at a different post. We are aware of both of the issues you mention as separate bugs. I believe we plugged the spots reported that instantly kill you on EL (like the rock underpass near the jungle/swamp) but if there’s more, please let me know.
Ah! That’s exactly what I meant! Either I overlooked it or it was added before I posted. Anyway… The bug usually occurs after a server restart. It affects not only foundations but pretty much every item. You can’t interact with anything anymore. The only thing that helps is a server restart. But then it happens again right after that. So, it’s currently pretty much impossible to do anything
No worries (and apologies if I was heading in the wrong direction )
And thanks for the added thoughts on the bearers - that does at least give me a better understanding
There’s something wrong with the abyssal bow / heartpiercer or any bow that has “infinite ammo” and this was broken one or two chapters ago: the arrow that is spawned( such as the abyssal arrow) does not have it’s damage/armor penetration added to the final damage calculation. This is easily tested by using the abyssal bow on a target and recording the damage then shooting the bow at the ground and waiting for an arrow to appear and putting it in your inventory and noticing the increased damage on the same target.
A certain modder looked at the code and it seems to be applying to thralls when they they have to arrows equipped and are “given” a flint arrow to use, none of the stats of the flint arrow are calculated into the final damage number. This is harder to test with thralls since they randomly shoot light or heavy attacks at various parts of enemies bodies.
All I want is for this to be on the known issues list, please just please.