Please give back Aja’s bane strength bonus. Like someof the other items that had STR bonuses please give Aja’s bane a +8% or +5% str bonus.
It use to have a really good STR bonus.
Please give back Aja’s bane strength bonus. Like someof the other items that had STR bonuses please give Aja’s bane a +8% or +5% str bonus.
It use to have a really good STR bonus.
Yeah, they’ve kinda made most legendary weapons and armor useless. Now only the specialty items are worth farming (lovetap, dragon helm, some of the shields, etc.)… it’s really quite sad.
Hopefully Funcom give Legendary Weapons/Armour some attention and rebalancing.
Why is everyone so fixated on level 10 obtainable items having better stats?
Either the key bosses need significant changes to make them more challenging, or the items need to be nerfed to steel tier damage values.
Because they are LEGENDARY and you can’t have legenday weapons sucking, @Taemien . The problem, as you pointed, is that there is nothing legendary about getting them!
Not all bosses are easy at level 10. Not for the casual fighter. They should tier boss chests. You would only have the best legendaries, that need to be buffed, in areas where a) your thrall couldn’t get in b) only one player could go in at a time.
If you fight the tortured king solo, he will give you a run for your money. If you fight the red mother solo, same. They could just raise a magical barrier surrounding these harder bosses or something, forcing you to face them alone. I would raise such a barrier over the whole UC, for instance. You could enter it without thralls only. No groups. But they had to buff the weapons you get, or nobody would bother wasting resources to get shit we get now.
To be fair, some bosses have been changed and are therefore more difficult now as well. This makes the risk over reward extremely non-negotiable. One example is poison and bleed being removed from Rottbranch. I haven’t tested this on Rockslide though, but wouldn’t be surprised. I’m just too afraid to try it lol…
I used to do it mounted with a mace, but I haven’t tried it since mounts were nerfed, @jmk1999 . I’m not sure that would work now…
But I have an idea I haven’t tested. It involves losing a thrall almost for sure, though. But I’ll try soloing them later. I’m grinding the BP. Lvl 40 is mine! Haha!
Lvl 40?! I can smell your sweat permeating through my phone’s screen!
as another example Crom’s sword is useless and it should be a leader as a power weapon
Cannot support any change that limits play styles and options in a sandbox game.
Hummm… you have a point, @Tuffman . Making them attainable by forcing solo play might not be a good idea. It would exclude less skilled fighters from getting them. Yes, thralls should be allowed.
Legendaries make for nice wall decorations. Problem is, I’m running out of wall space.
The one legendary I had that was worth using, Blade of the Adventurer, disappeared when I added a Bile on it. I do have a spare one as wall decoration, but on Siptah I can just arm my thralls with Grey One greatswords I can pick up from the Pools by slaughtering the locals. In the Exiled Lands I can craft Telith’s Sorrows.
Baal-pteor’s weapons are nice too because they’re basically weightless, so I can carry them as spare weapons.
I may be in the minority here, but after hearing about bile having some less than desirable side affects, I’ve opted only to use it on my arcane staff. You’re probably wondering what purpose this serves… encumbrance bile. When over encumbered, pop that out… boom, instant +40 encumbrance! Can’t attack really, but good in a pinch.
I believe lasting feast also gives +35 encumbrance - don’t suppose they stack??
Lasting feast gives +45. Food bonus does not stack with biles, as the game registers bile as a food type bonus. They’re generally not worth it just because of that fact alone, it’s better to just have a food always active than only during the use of a certain handheld item
Perhaps, but I always have my staff on me in the event I wanna use it. I don’t always have lasting feast.
For Encumbrance sure. But Agility bile on my daggers make sense because when I wield my daggers, damage is what I usually intend to do.
Even then, no. If you ate an agility food you’d get the same bonus, and that leaves the weapons free to put a kit on them to make them also more effective. Bile takes up the food slot for it’s buff, and the mod slot on the weapon. Just using a good mod and food will give you a more effective output.
Salted Exquisite Meat.
Main course for any agility build’s diet.