Alliance System

I like how @jot29 is angry about a non existent system.

BTW, in general, i think an alliance system is great. I proposed something basically similiar here…




Something like this???

For Friend thru Member, thralls and pets won’t attack each other, damage falls under friendly fire rules. Which is why the cool down to avoid exploiting by constantly hopping in and out. Forgot that:)

Friends thru Recruit cannot add anyone to clan.
Friends and Allies cannot use crafting stations.
Member can add a friend, and promote to Allie.
Officer can kick or add up to Member.
Leader can kick or add up to officer.
Tweaking with the cap in mind, where fighter (thralls/pets) is own, allows the player to to have the 55 of their own thralls. So i would bump Recruit to that. basically the limit is 10 in clan, but allow for some individual control up until a point.