Clan Alliances - yes please :)

Hi everyone,

So there were supposed to be clan alliances in current Age but on last stream Dennis said that he had changed his mind and there will be no alliances as this would ruin the balance in the game.

This thread is to ask and encourage Funcom to go ahead and implement clan alliances after all.

So I assume Dennis believes that clan alliances are going to create some super strong block on each server, which would be unbeatable by any smaller group or startups.

Why I believe this is not the case:

  • Clans do form alliances anyway, even without in-game mechanics supporting that. The only issue is that players need to remember to switch their thralls to neutral while visiting each other, so they don’t attack the visitor or each other.
    So as you can see, automating this process by introducing an “ally” feature would greatly serve as quality of life feature, which automates things. This would only help the players in doing things they do anyway, but currently there is more PITA with thrall settings.
  • To avoid eventuality that allied clans are going to amass all their thralls in one spot, just keep the land claim feature and don’t allow placing thralls in allied camp belonging to another clan. Yet again, even doing so would only help an alliance of two 3-man clans against 10-person alpha clan.
  • It’s the devs who decide as to how the alliance would work, just make it balanced :joy:

Why I believe clan alliances would have been an amazign addition:

  • It would be a great opportunity for PvP and RP servers to create factions, this group of clans are Nordheimers, those guys in the south are Stygians etc. I read on the modding discord that this kind of features were present in the old devkit but it was removed and did not make it into the game. A shame, this would only enrich the game and provide players with more possibilities of playing the game as they want it to play.
  • Mentioned above QOL feature, it would be great just to be able to add my friend as an ally and don’t bother with switching my thralls to passive mode every time he visits my stronghold.
  • New Taverns, it would have been amazing to allow our allies to come to our taverns without having to manually switch every thrall on the way to passive mode.
  • Also it would have been great opportunity to rework a very primitive and lacking ownership system in Conan Exiles:
  • set access on door (and chests + body) - private / clan / allies /everyone - it’s such a PITA inviting our friends and having to manualy open every door in front of them or they get stuck and imprisoned inside. Especially for the new Tavern system. I always built taverns, for me it’s a central spot for any fantasy realm. Next Chapter is going to populate our taverns with NPCs - amazing thing! - but I would also want to set the door for public access and see the players visiting my inn too.

  • I personally would request to add alliances and rework ownership system for following reason… Often we allow people to join our clan, and we don’t really know who this person turns out to be. Looters… Every MMO game have ranks and access levels, we do have it in Conan but limited only to the Vaults. So in Conan a player joins the clan, then clears all workshop benches and chests and leaves…

Or another story that had happened to me several times. I enter the game, wake up in my room… naked… What happened? And then there is that player: sorry man, I went to Klaels Dungeon and these mean skeletons killed me, so I had to return there, but I had no chance without my gear, so I borrowed your gear, but they killed me again. Sorry I was not able to retrieve our gear…

Seriously? :joy: Where are my legendary items?

Or another example, you spend your evening harvesting resources to build something, and then these dudes come and use them up for their own needs, of course they don’t have time to gather it back.

So yes - I’d rather play with other people as an allies “dude build next to me, we are going to fight together as allies” than be abused, robbed and wake up naked.

Every MMO has broader access/privacy settings and also you always have your private chests etc and your guildies are not able to strip you naked. We need this in Conan asap.

So the clan alliances please, and new, reworked ownership system as well would be great :heart:

And party system, to invite randomly met people to your group (but not the clan) to clear the dungeon etc.



As a PvE player, the alliance system would be very welcomed.
I can picture such a reform for “access” working in the PvE servers:

  • by default, no access to chests, stations, doors to players who are not part of the clan (that’s the current system basically)
  • the clan settings can lift that restriction for allies, or keep it intact

For the private / clan part, would the one who created the chest be manually changing the setting to private? How can they be sure the clan leader or rank above wouldn’t loot in their chest? It happened to my clan in a PvP game in which we could set chests as private by putting a code lock on them. But the clan leader could ignore that locking system and access our chests. He stole our gold many times to buy personal items for his character. We eventually had to hide chests under fondations and ceilings without him knowing to keep our savings lol.

There is only one thing I am wondering about such a system in PvP (I’m just playing PvE). Would it truly be welcomed? I mean, you have an ally or clan mate who cannot access your doors, stations or chests, but you have enemy players who can (they destroy and steal). Does it make sense? :thinking:


You see this is exactly what I mean, in current state of things in Conan your clan mates are greater danger to your belongings than unknown/enemy players :innocent:

How about being able to build a “personal chest” which can be locked by you (just like in the mod) so nobody can access it (unless they blow it up), or it could be just private by default.
Then we could put our every day gear in the locker and log out with peace of mind.

Of course it does have sense. It’s a matter of consent.
Right now you can’t give anny access to a friendly player from outside of your clan at all.
Same as you can’t restrict access for a**holes from your own clan.
If Funcom added alliances then you would be able to select playing just like before or using these new QOL features.
And private chests are a must. If we had it then more people would be interested in playing as a clan. But for me personally alliance is the way, I have my house with my things, you have your house with your things, but we both fight and defend together.


Good morning .
I totally agree with this idea. If we take as an example the current armies, even if the soldiers /officers who composed it are alienated, their personal effects are deprived i understood the uniforms /weapons designated for a specific soldier (to be able fault identify the weapon, the Equipment quickly in case of disputes or faults).
All the personal objects of the troops are stoked in canteens / locking cupboards.

I think that making a differentiation with the objects of the player (those who were possessed before the integration / creation of the clan) and the objects of the clan (those created / possessed after the integration / creation of the clan) would avoid abuses on the part of certain .
For example: objects, enslaved NPJ and their equipment, chests and their containers,Craft bench and inventory of this one belonging to the player before the integration / creation of the clan remains the propriaity of the player unless the specific agreement of this one.
Any objects, NPJ enslaves obtained after integration into a clan becomes propriaite of the clan and cannot be stoked only in , chests created by the clan.

That permeated to avoid the abuses of the style, "I invite you in my clan you which has a beautiful basis with lots of rare things and difflices to obtain, then once you are in my clan, I banish you from the clan and I keep your things "



I believe that alliances would be really cool. I really hope this community convince them to reconsider :pray:t6:.

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How about…
That permeated to avoid the abuses of the style, "I invite you in my clan you which has a beautiful basis with lots of rare things and difflices to obtain, then once you are in my clan, you steal what you need when the rest of us are offline, destroy all bases and followers, then leave the clan with your loot "

That permeated to avoid the abuses of the style, “I invite you in my clan you which has a beautiful basis with lots of rare things and difflices to obtain, then once you are in my clan, you do something stupid by breaking ToC and get us all banned”

Being in a clan with people you barely know can have some unwanted results :joy:

This is why we need more independence and privacy.
Right now a clan is some communist police state where everything belongs to the clan and you as an individual own nothing.

In my understanding a clan is an alliance of individual players. But by joining a clan you basically get married to them and become a family :rofl: and share everything. Once more I compare this to MMOs where you can be in a guild with 1000 other players yet you still keep your private items private.

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Clan alliance in pvp is not a good idea.
Already clan of 10 is too much.
Not everyone can have 10 players in clan

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Something like World of Warcraft’s party system for dungeons maybe

I don’t see the detriment. People worry about 10 man clans becoming 20 or 30 or 40 through this system. As if some silly server setting is going to prevent a dedicated crew from wiping your server.

You could set the clan size to 1. And all it would take is half of a raid group from another game to sit on your server until all your stuff decayed preventing you from logging in and looting the whole server. This could even be done on PVE servers.

Don’t need clan size extended, don’t need alliance system. They could just wipe you through decay and congesting the server. But that doesn’t happen now. That won’t happen with an alliance system.

Discord is more of a threat to you than any system Funcom could add that will make normal players’ play easier an more convenient.

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Pvp can ruin, exploit, abuse any system.
Why would someone build under mase on pve or pve-c servers?
Why would someone speed hack on pve?
Why would someone body vault on pve?
I can ask decades of why would someone, of cheats, hacks and exploits.
It’s pointless.
So alliances could work simply epidermal, just enough to know each other but not to abuse. And they could find a way to make it work in pvp too.
Yet something must have gone really wrong, but we’ll never know.


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This was the one thing we actually were waiting for in this chapter, me and my friend play many servers as separate clans so it would have been great for dungeons and other roaming. But noooooo, of course it is cancelled.


You can ask why and not receive any satisfactory answers but all this still exists on PVE.

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I believe you, maybe because it cannot affect me i am ignorant, you are right @Kikigirl

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Really, just make chests, doors, and stations unlockable in pve. Since there is no player damage to each other, running dungeons in a party is already available.

As for PvP, yeah lets make it easier to zerg by removing the speed bumps (all be it minor ones) to not being in a clan together while raiding. Thrall agro, “unfriemdly fire”, etc at least make the offliners pay attention.

Assume territories instead of alliances.

I know, alliances would take friendly fire completely away. The basic alliance feature of sharing (aggro), however, can be achieved through territories of multiple owners (or likewise).

Everything that has the potential to be fantastic also has the potential to be used in ways not intended. I agree that we should have alliances. If they need to add a time limit and cool down setting on official servers for this feature, go for it. I run a private server, and this would make things enjoyable for my players.

If I was trying to game an alliance, I’d use an allied alt to commit bannable offenses which protects my original clan from being banned. Something along those lines.