Aloe Potions Heal Cancel suggestion

Being swarmed by enemies is never fun. Even less if they are invisible. I would suggest making sure your PS is in top notch shape, a can of compressed air and a vacuum on your system can work wonders as well as cleaning up any files that are not important like screenshots and videos. The addition of a solid state drive if you can of afford it is a very sound investment in performance.


I forgot you were on controller. The mouse and keyboard gives me one helluva an advantage in situations where we’re fighting multiple NPCs. For example, if I am using a bow I can keep 4-5 NPCs crippled, easily. And when you hear about us going after bosses naked with stone daggers, that is not an exaggeration.

To be honest I think they ought to just enable mouse and keyboard use for you guys, if they haven’t already. The last console I bought (just three days ago actually) isn’t capable of running CE (its an NES), so I can’t test that. And I don’t know how FC would react to an adapter on officials.


Naah the spider boss with daggers is easy, how do you think I do my challenges or gain my first legendary if Neebs chest is not generous? However I prefer the jungle spiders, they are 2 keys waiting for me there nice and easy, no matter the lags or whatever the game is still playable, just not as it used to, I guess tomorrow before barbecue I will clean my machine again as @Wak4863 suggests, I really hope this will fix things, I bought an air blower 2 years ago just for this, cross fingers m8 it will do the job.
@SirDaveWolf feel free to give any warnings even flag me, I went really off topic here, sorry :+1:t6:.


Is there any place on the Internet where you post updates about what you’re doing? I’m asking because, if you ever get to actually start working on that game, I would like to follow what’s going on.

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This is an underlying problem with bombs. They should not be something used in melee pvp. They should be used to destroy buildings. Just saying.

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I am currently using GitHub for my learning projects. Those are currently private though, but should be possible to add you.


I had gotten rid of PC games on my workstation. Then, VR headsets came out requiring a PC. Then, Meta Quest 2 came out, standalone with wifi. At this point, I can’t agree the PC is better for games. It evolved where work and fun can be managed without all the virus/malware killers needed to run them on the same metal.

I think that 5% is an improvement. I guess more diverse oils could make this interesting.


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