Aloe Potions Heal Cancel suggestion

I would suggest that the heal should only get canceled when you take more than 5% of your max HP as damage. This would make high vitality builds more viable (because of the 5% of your max HP as threshold) and also prevent losing heal buffs from:

  • low tier NPC arrows
  • Cripple Debuff wears off (yes this bug STILL exists)
  • Acid/Poison/Smoke arrows

Agree with you especially those pesky arrows from low level archer’s :ok_hand:


There and back again

You can use healing wraps at the time an archer is shooting you and heal for now. This is another good reason to go and farm this skeleton boss, these wraps are really fast and effective. The nasty point of Siptah is when exactly the RNGesus will grand you the oil recipe so you can s
 t your self farming wraps from this skeleton. I know that in pvp servers farming this skeleton is not easy, but in exile lands the only encouraging is that no one can rant with a horse inside there, yet it’s a tricky place you can be trapped easily, in Siptah it is better but still dangerous, omg I love pve :rofl::rofl::rofl:.


This particular change to the healing system is one of my pet grumbles about Conan Exiles, and I could cite close to a bucket load of reasons for my discontent. The healing system overhaul itself was very good, well thought out and a job well done. We had Bandages for a cheap, slow out of combat heal, potions for a respectable size in combat heal which coupled risk and reward brilliantly, and food for support healing and healing small amounts of damage. Each items had a distinct and clearly demarcated role, and the system felt strategic and rewarding.

However this later change which allows damage to cancel our heals is bollocks. Bandages are now utterly redundant and not worth crafting. Potion healing is now basically achieved by milking the AI. When you have large groups of enemies, particularly ranged ones, healing is more luck than skill. It made some parts of Singleplayer all but unwinnable without a thrall. And could someone please explain to me how getting hit magically teleports an aloe potion out of our characters digestive tracts. Moreover, there were almost no members here on the forum who called for this change. What previously felt tactical and satisfying now just feels monotonous, and it stripped the fun in healing right out of the PvE aspect of the game.

While I support the spirit of your thread SirDaveWolf, I would much prefer to see damage cancelling our potion heals reverted entirely. Funcom please give serious consideration to changing this unpopular and unwarranted move back.



I don’t have anything useful to add, but I just wanted to register the most emphatic, enthusiastic agreement I can come up with.

Seriously, why was that later change needed? I imagine there’s a PVP-combat-related reason, but can anyone have pity on me and explain it to me?


I’ve been leveling a new character lately and to be honest, I’ve been using healing wraps as my primary form of healing. I just hit 60 about an hour ago and had only really used an aloe potion while fighting a sandreaper who managed to tag me with a 6 stack and a 3 stack of poison. Probably didn’t need to use it then, but I used it out of reflex because of a bad time with one about two years ago where one hit put a 10x stack on and melted me out of nowhere. Glad they don’t do that anymore.

At this point I’m willing to call potions a sort of emergency heal that you need to duck behind cover or whatnot for. There isn’t a whole lot of content in the game who’s damage you can simply avoid. I would even go so far as to say they probably could be removed at this point. They’re not really needed.

Bandages cover the healing you need, though the heal for those needs to be canceled immediately on any sort of movement or attack. They’re supposed to do that now, but there was a few times where they haven’t in the last few days for me, and required a roll dodge.

The heal is faster than the heal we had with Herbal Tea + Roasted Haunch (or aloe soup).

As soon as the animation “went through” you were out of danger and healed up. It was harder to finish people off in PvP. Some PvP players did not like it when people were “chugging” potions over and over. This seemed to be the majority, so Funcom changed it into what we have now.


Okay, so I’m not missing anything, it’s literally just that people complained and Funcom decided to nerf it with a sledgehammer. Instead of tweaking the time it takes for the animation to go through, or the total amount of healing, or the healing rate, they just said “eff it, damage stops the heals again, we’re tired of this shіt”.

Apologies if that sounds negative, but I’m kinda burned out :frowning:


I know that feeling. Funcom is simply unable to do it correctly. At least give us a GOOD SURVIVAL perk that prevents heal cancelation. (Maybe remove the 2nd perk and then move all the other perks down and add the “no healing cancel” perk to 50 Survival)


I also just checked the healing in the old client with haunch + herbal tea. It was 11 HP per second with 40 Vitality.

Now it somehow says 15 HP per seconds with 40 VIT and a pure aloe potion
 Though it is CLEARLY 150+ per second


Now that you hit level 60, go to the summoning place. Then maybe you’ll understand the frustration of @Croms_Faithful. Places like the summoning place became more
 tricky. I do remember my self in the old days going there way before 60 and have a walk on the park. I am not saying what’s right or wrong, but still some places are hard to bear even in 60 with good companionship. A lot of places demands to much healing no matter the level or the gear, which for me it’s really cool, I am just against a bit the idea that “the game is too easy”, no it’s not.

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Well that is literally their intended function and what we as players use them for.

Disagree. Unless youre using them in a strategic team role like @stelagel decribed, in their current state they are an all round inferior healing option. In spite of their faults aloe potions surpass them on almost every conceivable level. Their regeneration rate is higher (some 7 hp per second for infused wraps compared to 150 hp per second for pure aloe!), their animation is shorter, they require fewer components meaning less grind, and you can still move fight and evade while the regeneration effect is applied. About the the only advantage bandages have is their lighter carry weight.

I see this mentality being thrown around more and more frequently nowadys. I strongly disagree. The only thing which needs to be “removed” from the game at this point in time is this mindset. If you personally do not like to use aloe potions or see the merit in them then that is fine, you are not obligated to use them and you may simply abstain from doing so and your playstyle shall not be impeeded in any form or capacity. The rest of playerbase however should continue to have options available to them and not be forced to play the game in accordance the standards and preferences of others.

As I frequently say: “the option which presents more options is generally the better option”.

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I think that you may have both nailed it here gentlemen.

Now @SirDaveWolf please do take this as a criticism or an attack directed toward yourself. But rather as being directed more generally toward the vocal minority who did call for this change.

If PvP players find it inconvenient that other players can heal during a duel then I am sorry, but deal with it! If we can spend some 20 minutes killing a health sponge World Boss, or even more for specific others in PvE, then PvP can spend more than 2 consecutive minutes killing a human player in end game gear. They had no valid grounds for complaint here. Moreover, PvP players now have more means at their disposal to catch runners than at any other time in the history of Conan Exiles. Opponent running away? Use the run in dash attack, nail them with a throwing axe, have your support archer cripple their legs, or run them down on your mount. Simple. Back then there was also the ability to equip claws and chase them down. This was just a poor balancing decision, and quite possibly a knee-jerk one at that.

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Huh? Why would I go there at 60? I was there around 15-20. You are talking about the Darfari capitol right?

I’m just too lazy to pick up aloe, which is why I didn’t have many pots lol. I didn’t even bother making either of the items’ upgrades that require feats. After hitting 60, I’m not even carrying the wraps because I got the Vitality perk for regen which helps with all that other incidental damage.

I’m going to be honest with you all, if I hadn’t leveled up a new character recently, I’d be at a severe disadvantage in this thread because the last time I honestly carried healing items with me in a PVE sense, was doing Leviathan Bosses and Alaric the Icy in Savage Wilds. But that’s only because some of them hit anywhere from 300-600 damage.

I’m all for options if they require experience, intelligence, some bit of reaction and cunning. Effectively you all are asking for a one block path to avoid the hard stuff in each world:

And this is coming from someone who admittedly could be a tad bit better at avoiding hits from bosses and pulling camps a tad more. I’m a little more impatient than most and tend to go for the kill so I get hit more often than I should. I’m definitely not God’s gift to Conan Exiles and I find the healing in combat to be a bit of a crutch that is limiting players’ abilities.

Like I am crazy surprised at stelagel’s assessment of the Summoning Place. I do know that area well as its one of the go to places for farming the religious items (lingering souls, hearts, etc) when on Exiled Lands.

One of my veteran buddy’s actually showed how some ignorance can work in someone’s favor. He didn’t know how to take thralls, he didn’t know what an alchemist bench was. He put some random gear together, hit 60 in a matter of around 15-20 hours and used legendary-ish weapons he could find in dungeons, and was able to beat most of the content in the game with less than a few dozen hours played.

And this isn’t a case of him trying to be hardcore. It was pure ignorance. He was playing during his days off on swing shift when I wasn’t around and available to tell him how to do these things. Using Vitality Perk for heals, no thrall, and did pretty much every boss.

I mean look at this thread. Everyone is upset over something that could be trivial. And is probably trivial to many.

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You know how, for example, it’s not really hard to kill the Spider Boss naked and with stone daggers? But it’s also not fun, either?

Yeah, that.

It’s not about whether it could be trivial, it’s not about whether it’s too hard or too easy, it’s about that the previous system was more fun, because it relied more on tactics than cheesing the AI.

The initial healing system was easy and boring. Then they revamped it into something that had 3 choices with 3 different combinations of cost, efficiency, penalties, etc. A system that presented 3 different options that were all useful because they all excelled at something.

And then they changed the system again and made one of those choices pretty redundant. They made that aspect of the game less fun, and they didn’t have to do that.

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The question needs to be asked, why do we need to heal so much in combat? Your example about a spider or any boss with stone daggers is a good one because it’s not fun. Its right click 3-4 times, wait and repeat.

This pretty much describes 90% of the content in the game though. The only bosses you need potions for are things like the large rocknose bosses that are so big you cannot reliably avoid damage. That I do agree is a major problem. Those things should be adjusted.

But so should everything else. They should be more complex than simply 3-4 right clicks and move away and repeat. But they should also take less time. I don’t believe in 18,000hp bosses. 5,000-6,000 should be the cap. Unless there’s group content, but that’s beyond this discussion.

The Arena Champion is a decent example of a good fight. She’s not a HP sponge. She will do nasty things to you if you let her. But its a fast paced brawl that gets you pumped up (or scared in some cases) and its a fun fight.

And there is the problem. All the fights are boring. You all have relegated yourselves to just trading blows with stuff without any need to avoid damage (or maybe some minimum effort to do so). And why not? You can just top off with a potion by trading a combo for a heal every so often.

But for some reason many of you have convinced yourselves that this is more fun than the alternative. Where its not as feasible and now you have to do 1-2 hits, dodge, repeat for 20 minutes. Which is less fun than 3-4 hits, get hit, 3-4 hits, get hit, dodge, heal, and repeat. So technically you’re not wrong.

They’re both unfun which is where the problem actually is. Buffing potions isn’t going to fix the underlying problem. You’re not going to find satisfaction by trading one boring system for another. You can even test this theory if you’re on PC. There is mods that return potions to what was before.

For me personally, I usually just open a big enough window to allow for the healing animation and its effect to go off unimpeded. I get that can be tricky with multiple NPCs, but I mean I usually deal with those a bit differently than trying to soak the damage anyway, they’re not HP sponges anyway. I do believe the issue there isn’t with healing, so I’m not going to address it here.

So I think the fix we should be asking for is less tanky bosses, less or eliminated cheesy autolanding attacks from NPC, and more complex attacks. Then the emphasis won’t be on mindless grind, but engaged gameplay.

The short of it is, you should be asking for much more than you are.

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In PvE you can always run back to your corpse and retrieve your equipment. In PvP most of the time not, because another player might have taken it.

You need to be able to heal up quickly after doing PvE content in PvP. Because you will never know when the next player comes to mess with you.

Also if you intend on not fighting, the other player may still be able to do damage to you. You need to be able to quickly heal up for this. In case ANOTHER player comes or you lagg into a pack of PvE mobs.

And I personally don’t want to lose my PvP base more quickly to a raid, because a player on the Forums named ‘Taemien’ thought it would be better to have no in-combat heals at all. Because there are times where there are more attackers than defenders. You simply need to be able to quickly heal in combat.

Sure you could say same goes for the attackers, but the attackers can spam bombs from a safe distance. And bombs do significant AoE damage and I want to be able to heal up again to continue defending/repairing.

Some NPC archers can swap weapons faster than we could when animation canceling was still possible.

But tell me, why should a smoke arrow cancel your healing? Why should a cripple effect, that wore off cancel your healing?

A simple solution is already proposed. 5% of max HP as threshold.

I understand getting hit by arrows should do. But it should only do when the arrows do a moderate amount of damage. If they don’t I would see it as if it got reflected by the armor. Same with getting stabbed by a low level player with stone daggers.

If we’re talking PVP, many say its too slow as it is, even with the healing cancel. So for PVP it just goes down to a matter of opinion.

I’ve seen people throw up after being hit with CS. After getting a heavy dose, the last thing I want is something in my stomach. So that’s one explanation for removing a healing tonic from one’s digestive tract as Croms_Faithful put it earlier.

I’m pretty sure the buff ID for healing and cripple may have gotten mixed up or something along those lines. A buff wearing off shouldn’t take another, that’s a bug. And I don’t believe this is the only instance of it. Let’s get away from discussing balance changes around bugs, fix the bugs instead.

I’m not above the idea of a percentage health causing a threshold. But I think the actual change should be that the heal ends at the end of the animation. Either shorten the buff that does the heal or lengthen the animation. In either case it will be intuitive.

So similar to the bandages if I understood correctly. Heal over the drinking animation time?

Btw I am planning to create a game similar to Conan in Unity. Need to finish my other project first though. I am collecting ideas and thoughts here on the forums.

And again
 Pc players I envy you

I still play on Playstation 4 console unfortunately, that means huge rendering issues and invisible npcs.
So how can you protect your self from an invisible enemy? You just can’t, so healing is your only option to defeat this difficulty. Do you think I like heavy armors? Not at all, but it’s the only way to gain a decent chance to stay alive from a boss hit.
Do you think that gathering aloes is cool? (I think you already answer that :rofl::rofl::rofl:)
Again not at all, but I need a chance to play what I love all these years, so want it or not potions, pork feast and infused wraps on an epic heavy armor build is my only option for now.
Yet the point is not how some players see the game but how they all do, so every opinion counts. I am equally to the side of the persons who feel they lost something as to the persons they find something new and interesting. Because both are true. When one door is closing another is opening, simple as that.

Ps, no you didn’t go level 15 alone in the summoning place and you did not need to heal, no matter your fps or pings or whatever you call them. You just don’t remember correctly I guess. I was watching a series of videos from @Wak4863 last night from Siptah to exile lands, he was there full sigil, level 60, over 600 hp and he was still taking a decent amount of damage, not like volcano, but decent enough to make a level 15 or 20 player to go away from there the summoning place is not an easy visit, no matter the level, it has a decent difficulty.