Firstly, thanks for being clear and trying to keep your frustration out of it - all too easy for people to default to ‘you ruined it’, without going into why, which helps no one.
As a fellow solo player, maybe I can offer some suggestions that may help. To be clear, I’ve only tried the new healing so far with a high level character that basically has everything, so I may not have experienced the hardest parts of the system yet.
What has worked best for me with the Aloe potions (I’ve mostly been just using the cheapest ones) is to roll/run a little way from the combat, start running in a circle (using any available terrain to make it harder for them to come straight to me). Enemies are slower, so it is possible to get a bit of distance, plus they tend to aim for where you were, not where you are going, so the circling keeps throwing them off. Knock back a potion while continuing to slowly walk in the circle - most times you actually gain just enough time from this technique that the animation ends and you’re free to move just as they are catching up to you (or as their attack misses behind you) - immediately sprint or roll as soon as the animation ends, try to stay ahead of them for a bit while healing and then turn and fight when you’re ready. This isn’t a perfect technique, I cut it too close in the volcano a few times yesterday and got hit before the animation finished, but I have used it successfully against groups of enemies in the Black Keep and the Volcano, against legendary Crocodiles, Rotbranches, Warmaker dungeon minibosses, the Red Mother etc. My best suggestion would be to maybe get a bit of practice, using the cheaper aloe extracts, fighting against weaker enemies that you know you can defeat and don’t really need the healing - that should help you get the technique working for when you do need it.
Secondary point - I don’t think the aloe potion healing is supposed to be interrupted by damage anymore - I think that changed in the latest patch (certainly it now heals through bleed) - which should make that a bit better for you.
Try to avoid using bandages in combat if you can - apparently the idea is that they are now more meant for healing up between combats, or running far enough away that they can’t get to you. With the aloe potions now healing through bleed, it should be less urgent to use bandages in combat.
The new healing has already been re-adjusted several times, and I’m sure is likely to continue changing for a while yet as they continue getting more information on players experiences with the current versions. I’m certainly hoping that there will be some more adjustments - I’d like to see bandages be a little more flexible, with the ability to cancel the animation (but that can cause balance issues for some of the other play types), and maybe have the aloe potion moving speed be a little faster (it does still feel very close, even when they do miss).
Hopefully there’s something in here that can help you