I don’t PVP, but I think goomba stomp is kind of silly and off brand for Conan. So in the spirit of no off-brand attacks in the game, I’d propose that goomba stomp is no more off-brand than fireballs. In the spirit of agreement, I will forever forgive any goomba stomp defense if at the same time they say “I’m okay with fireballs in the game.” If off brand attacks are permissible, then so are fireballs and lightning bolts. Similarly, I think it’s a fairly strong argument to say, if we can’t have fireballs, then what’s the reason to have an attack where you fill your orifice with rocks and drop on and kill a victim without dying yourself?
I don’t PVP, but I think building is kind of silly and off brand for Conan. So in the spirit of no off-brand mechanics in the game, I’d propose that building is no more off-brand than goomba stomp. In the spirit of agreement, I will forever forgive any building defense if at the same time they say “I’m okay with goomba stomp in the game.” If off brand mechanics are permissible, then so are goomba stomp and laser guns. Similarly, I think it’s a fairly strong argument to say, if we can’t have goomba stomp, then what’s the reason to have an ability where you fill your orifice with rocks and use them to make a house?
Why stop there? It’s totally unrealistic that you can fit an entire house worth of building materials in your orifice and whip up a structure in mere moments. The only way to get a true conan experience that’s both lore friendly and realistic would be to remove both the entire off-brand building system and silly inventory.
It is. And despite that, they haven’t done it, despite the incessant demands to do so.
FWIW, I don’t care if they do or don’t in this particular case, but it’s yet another call for the Genuine Funcom Quality Nerf Sledgehammer™, i.e. the cheapest and most destructive solution possible.
I wonder if it’s possible to make the double jump conditional. like, if encumbrance is maxed, double jump is unable to be performed. Similar to something like sorcery. That way you can only jump on someone if you get lucky to be high enough above them to drop on them. Then it won’t slow down encumbrance builds. I mean, how often must you truly NEED to use the double jump in everyday gaming tasks?
I remember coming up with that in one of these discussions, and there were PVP players who complained it wouldn’t be enough, because you can hang off a ceiling and drop on someone.
I thought it was weird how the goal posts moved, but I don’t play on PVP servers, so I can’t do more than toss in an occasional idea and see what other think
Oh come on… lol… that’s just stupid. Yeah, you “can” do that… but in PvP on a regular basis? Yeah, I don’t think so. I’d say if you’re infiltrating a base and get the drop on someone, sure, whatever. That’s the point. The mechanic has been in the game since it was released and you could do that before all these complaints. And offline players “in their sleep” are gonna be raided regardless by people that do that. The issues everyone is having is with the fact that they can just run around and dodge, then double jump high enough to stomp on someone. People need to stop trying to move the posts until the goal is in another place entirely. That was never the argument.
That doesn’t solve anything a lot of people take a running jump for extra momentum. You’d basically take that away from agility builds. The issue is with the PvP community itself exploiting a mechanic, then complaining about a solution that won’t limit agility, nor encumbrance, by just removing the double jump capability while over encumbered. Hanging from a ceiling and dropping on someone is perfectly legit. It’s called using the environment to your advantage. In other words: strategy. It doesn’t work with every case and it’s not useable in live pvp battles very easily.
I added to my reply. That person’s tactics are perfectly legit. Who followed? The other player. If you know what they’re gonna do, why humor them and follow? They can’t do anything to you if you don’t engage them. How about maybe standing back and firing arrows? Dead in seconds and they drop all their loot. Solved.