Another question

When I first opened the Secret World page, 3 options (type of games) were given to me. How can start and try another one ?
I don’t know if you know what I mean?

If you’re talking about the choice between factions at character creation, Templars, Illuminati and Dragon, the only way to change those is to start a new character. But it’s still the same game with 99% of the same content.

The changes would be:

  1. the messages you get from mission completion (different faction handler, so different text)
  2. some of the cutscenes will be different (the ones with your faction handler)
  3. some of the cutscenes will have slightly different lines (other characters who know which faction you’re in will react slightly differently). For example, Boone will greet an Illuminati character with a slightly different line than other factions since Team Smurf has more history in Kingsmouth.

As far as I know there aren’t any missions that work differently depending on your faction, nor are there faction-unique missions.

The missions between Solomon Island and Egypt and between Egypt and Transylvania are unique to each faction.

The faction rank missions also differ slightly.