Arcane Curio Cabinet Nerf

It is very unfortunate that the Arcane Curio cabinet is getting nerfed to the same as a cupboard. This is the one item that was extremely useful for storage, where you did not require a specific room to hold 20 or 30 chests (I’ve been playing since 2018) or require a massive area for Vaults. Do to the sheer size of the vaults, they demand an extremely large base which of course adds to the server load.

In keeping with the sorcery motive, the Arcane Curio Cabinet’s large storage capacity can easily be explained in that they were enchanted.

For me, this is the most disappointing nerf to date.


:confused:, me too, count me in!


Just place a vault.


Capture 1
Capture 3

Blockquote * Arcane Curio Cabinet now has 40 slots.

So the magic cabinet is being reduced to less than the wood cupboard? If a rebalance was needed, why not reduce the health of the Curio Cabinet from 25k, on par with the much smaller metal chest, to that of 10k the same as the cupboard? If the magic cabinet has higher storage, why not give it lower health as a trade-off?

This nerf does not make much sense at all for PvE anyway. A storage vault on PvE takes up approximately a 5x5 area floorplan with 3 walls high to cover it if you wanted to conceal it for aesthetic reasons.

The Arcane Curio cabinet removed the need to build this large in order to accommodate 200 storage slots. Not to mention, vaults on PvE are a ridiculous storage solution since people cannot bomb their way into our storage anyway. So when players had to resort to stacking metal chests to save space, the dreaded stability bug struck that solution down.


It was only a matter of time. I have 1 spot that maximized the effects of 6 cabinets and I gotta rebuild with chests. It’s a shame in that it provided light to the storage area but now I need to do redesigning of the treasure trove. Oh well.


That’s a good point and something I did not think to include in my response. So this change adds additional lighting items as well as physical chests.


not just light but the perfect amount of light to be visible but avoid light bleed.


I get headaches easily, and some lights can be too bright causing eye strain as well, these cabinet lights were just enough to not cause those issues for me.


The Arcane Curio Cabinet was supposed to be nerfed at the same time as the Arcane Bookcase. The fact that it made it this far without the intended nerf was a mistake on Funcom’s part.

The Arcane Bookcase is supposed to be just a different model of the Arcane Curio Cabinet. This is how it was always presented. Obviously they weren’t going to nerf one and leave the other.

200 slots on an exclusive item is stupid. It could be nerfed down to 45 instead of 40, but it definitely should not stay at 200.


I will agree with this point. Had the cabinet been on a FREE level of the BP, the argument for p2w wouldn’t be an issue.


You know what I would’ve loved? Arcane Bookcase or Arcane Curio Cabinet that has 200 slots, but you can only store papers, e.g. scrolls, journals, schematics fragments, etc.

Oh, well.

Vault is only useful when building damage is active, because of its health.

Hell, this whole “Arcane Curio Cabinet is P2W” thing has been proven false. You can stack 5 chests in less space than this cabinet takes up and get more storage that way, with exactly the same health.

Again: oh, well.



They really want our base to look bland and boring then.


It is unfortunate that, rather than having a less attractive FtP version, or, alternatively, increasing the material cost and lowering the durability, the capacity was diminished so drastically.
Perhaps cutting it in half would have been good.
But leaving it with less storage than objects with noticably smaller footprints is very sad.

No, it should not be PtW.
However, if it is just a reskin, it shouldn’t be a less efficient reskin.

Moral of the story, when asking for nerfs, remember that the hammer has only one setting, all the way into irrelevance.




As @CodeMage states below, stack chests to get more for the space. May not look nice, but practical. You can still use the Curio cabinet anyway 0 as a decoy, or light/storage/etc. I have seen some very cunning distraction-builds that very effecitively misdirect attackers, making them waste materials and giving the Attackees time to scurry off with the valuables.


Simple as that, “i pay for items that brings me gaming comfort”.
Starting a new character it was very easy to obtain some iron bars and fix this cabinet to do your first storing without even fix working benches :man_shrugging:. So the money i payed gave me satisfaction for this small advantage! Yes, advantage, but small! Not enough to be considered p2w.
I would understand if we had an announcement…
Guys, these cabinets and their storage create performance issues so we will nerf them for gaming sake!
This i would understand and i would congratulate them for honesty and responsibility!
But, i nerf it because it’s p2w?
Why did you sell it this way the first time? Can’t you understand that the costumers that bought it will not be ok with it? It’s simple logic. For how long we will have to endure this unfair behavior? It’s not one item, neither the first time this is happening. When exactly we will say enough is enough?
Please… Think about it, it’s neither right, neither fair!


Why did they give it such a high capacity to begin with?

Did they not know it would compete with vaults?

What would a reduction in capacity achieve?

I think some accountability is owed to the player community for garbage like this nerf.

The Wrong Things are being prioritized over stuff the community truly needs and wants.


i want a refund for s1 battle pass. only got it for the cabinet.

When transfers were a thing siptah was more pay2win than the cabinet.


That much can be answered: it was a data entry mistake that wasn’t caught by QA. Whoever created the blueprints for Arcane Bookcase and Arcane Curio Cabinet wanted to give them 40 slots right from the start. Unfortunately, it seems they were either new or just had a good old brain fart, because you don’t configure the number of slots for a storage item like that, you configure the number of rows. So when you set rows to 40, you get 40×5=200 slots.

This, right here, is at the core of all these bitter (and misguided) recriminations between PVE and PVP communities. People who care more about balance ask for nerfs because they’re used to that being the main balancing measure. If Funcom listens to their requests, they almost always use the Nerf Sledgehammer and whatever it was they nerfed gets thoroughly ruined.

Sure, we know Funcom is to blame for this, but in the end it doesn’t matter. We adapt in any way we can, and right now that way is to jump on every nerf request and push back like crazy. :man_shrugging:

So yeah. Try to avoid asking for blanket nerfs, and if you ask for a nerf, don’t be surprised when there’s a lot of pushback.


Meh. Did it hurt anything? I am not overly attached to them but that being said they offer storage and on PVP easy to break.

In the end it is all inconsequential other than now I need to build a vault which just means I need to make a bigger base. Which is also not recommended.