Ban/Suspension shouldnt be as easy

Hmm if he is who i think he is, we reported him twice, well, their whole clan.
the first time they had a humble exterior wall, not bannable if you ask me. because they had important buildings in there like some meta temples.

i will share some screenshots, try to censor a little so funcom don’t delete my message.

Then, a few day after the devwipe (you can check the date)
if i already think that wasn’t bannable, check this:
Same spot, same clan with a different name.
in blue, thats the main base, all the the T1 you can see in the picture was only there for 2 HOURS.

So if the T1 was gone, did they got banned because i got them recorded and doesn’t matter if you delete it after?
Now, i don’t know if the person who got perma got the ban the first time, because remember that bans need 1 reset to take effect, maybe then got another “offense” before the ban take effect?.

remember when we first arrived to the server? i remember one of us, i think it was barcode who warned you about your base, but some of you said that you guys spoked with an admin and it was fine.

Well, we knew, because we were returning from a long break after we got devwiped on a latam server for the same reason that lead me to create this thread 7 months ago.
but we knew that funcom was banning for having a base, we got devwiped again even when this time we made our base smaller. and the rest is history.

someone also reported us and got us devwiped on that server and lead me to report back. like i said many times, i accept any punishment for “false reports” as long as the people who falsely reported us is punished as well but you don’t have to worry about reports if on top of that a hacker comes and wipes you like it happened to us like 4 days ago.
The state of officials is unplayable. Reports and hackers are destroying everything.

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