Bazaar prices going up!

Not the same thing. Since you don’t get an actual physical item for your money in the game shop. The game goes under you don’t get a refund for the stuff purchased. Welcome to Ponzi schemes.

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If I didn’t own multiple Funcom titles I would take your advice and go check, but I have seen it first hand a few times.

I think you’re right about CE player counts and player tenacity and I think you’re right about Funcom being happy if they can get the same results out of Dune. I won’t be touching it, though. What they’ve done to CE is the last straw for me. Funcom gets no more of my money, but my cash is just a tiny drop in the pond and I’m sure plenty of people will still play Dune despite what Funcom will very likely do with it as time goes on.


The logic is to squeeze as much money from people as possible before the game is shelved.

30 bucks for 9 cosmetics? what a joke.


Seems that way doesn’t it? I have a theory that the “placeholder” prices (yes, Funcom said the pricing we saw was placeholder) are really high so they can gauge player reactions to those crazy prices and then set everything at the highest possible prices that won’t make everyone put their wallets away…


Took what I said out of context a bit there but if they FIX everything that absolutely needs to be fixed and then they offer DLC at reasonable prices like they used to then sure, buy DLC to support them doing the right thing.

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Yeah right. Really, if you want a better picture, it looks a lot more like this:



Indeed the prices are out of touch and way too high.
Like others said before me: Vote with your wallet.
if you can: Mods provide far more and better additions to the game than the bazaar. And Modders take better care of their stuff than most of the Funcom updates.


Bazzar shop is refreshing tomorrow and oh boy am I ready for some juicy memes…

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simple problem though…there are literally people playing this game who simply do not care what something in the Bazar costs. They buy it anyway.

As long you have people like that, FUNCOM and all companies even will increase prices regardless… these people simply keep the lights on apparently, and not the casual customer.

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Is it my imagination or has the solo gibbet price increased?

I think it is a mistake for a game like CE to focus on targetting the casual gamer - because I don’t believe that any sandbox game will really be successful by doing that. I think the more realistic approach would be to focus on attracting ‘sandbox gamers’, drawing them in with quality and the game’s unique aspects - maintain that audience by maintaining quality, so that the experience remains good, and then you can successfully monetise the playerbase, because the dedicated players are the ones that are most likely to carry on buying extras for the game.

You’re exactly right. Those of us who don’t want to deal with the grind play on private servers. Nor do we have to tolerate the prices in the cash shop as modders are producing far superior items as well as often creating better gameplay than the vanilla game provides. So for those who WANT to play on official servers and experience the game as it’s meant to be played… Funcom seems to have been incredibly deaf to those players. As someone who has recently passed the 13k hours played mark (I’m not proud, I’m clearly frakin’ mental) I can tell you it’s NOT because I love the game Funcom made. I love the game modders have made of it.


Prices for the Bazaar on 8/6/2024 US


literally nothing changed. communications are dead with the community. prices are going only one way and that is up. we didn’t get any fix patch for months now. i used to buy stuff on regular from bazzar but i didn’t buy anything for some 2 months maybe? i decided not to throw money at dead and abandoned game. with each week passing i have less and less reason to play this besides loging in to refresh my decay timers. disgraceful and shameful what they’re doing… or maybe i should say what they’re not doing? the results are the same lol…

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Urgh, still no Pictish Rites set, it’s just more of the same overpriced crap. Again.

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This is a little off-topic but just to get a better picture of the absolute state of predatory game design today:

58% of all mobile games have gambling mechanics in them, and the vast majority of these games are targeting children. That’s right, the majority of all mobile games are real money gambling apps for children!
If this doesn’t send shivers down your spine idk what will… this world is screwed man


Yeah. Moving things into the “digital” world has allowed a lot of stuff to evade public scrunity for whatever reason. Especially gambling should be looked at much more closely, from “classic” online poker to mobile apps.

Try to run a poker den in a kindergarten or in front of a school, and you’ll have some explaining to do. But sell it as an online game, and well, it’s something shiny on that phone thingy that keeps the kids calm and let mommy and daddy play their own games.


Oh goodness… these points are not mutually exclusive and I’m tired of rewriting. Funcom and Tencent have done a real number on this game and everyone is feeling it. Some are voicing their concerns in a way that provides actual feedback, and some to the detriment of any future communication. If you’re one of the ones giving legitimate feedback, good on you. If you want to use Funcom’s mistakes as an excuse to be ■■■■■■ on the forums then be my guest, you won’t be alone in thinking this way. I hope it works out for you.

:brazil: Conan Exiles xbox ps4 pc @Community

Se estão exibindo os valores para ver quando irá diminuir o valor espero que não reduza os valores

É melhor para a Funcom manter ou aumentar os valores pois se quem não compra reclama que está caro para mim é por que nunca irá comprar

Se a Funcom diminuir o valor quem comprou virá fazer o mesmo que estão tentando fazer “reclamar devido ao valor que foi vendido”

Espero que a funcom nunca reduza o valor para não prejudicar quem comprou :thinking:

mas o choro é livre :rofl:

Why stop there? Maybe they should double or triple the prices so you can feel even more smugly superior :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: