Bazaar Sandstone Set 2 not receiving advertised items

Xbox Series X
Single Player

Purchased today and it is missing one item. The image shows a bay lattice window type piece, similar to the upper portion of the double door.

This is shown in the main store image, it is the title image on the rough timber frames and again in the expanded item view.

It is unfortunately not present when purchased. There is a rough timber door that is not shown but no window which is the one piece I was looking for as the window breaks up the flat profile of walls.

seems this has already been reported but I’ve not seen an update or an ETA on a fix. If you are not going to fix it soon can you please arrange refunds.

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Fixed with 3.02, thank you kindly.

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Hi @LMN118

If you experience any other issues with the BattlePass or the Black Lotus Bazaar, please make sure you reach out to our team over on Zendesk as they will be able to help you out further.

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