Named blacksmiths are the bane of my existence. Is it me or is it almost impossible to get one? I play every day for over 3 months and no luck. Is the chance that small? Anyone have any tips? Sepamaru, Freya’s hovel, the rest of the Highlands and Mound of the dead are visited multiple times daily. Don’t most of us agree Funcom should increase the chance of certain named thralls appearing?
I don’t know for sure but it seems to me that they reduced the spawn rate. Try looking at Black Galleon as well. It took me and my clan 4 days to get one, usually 10+ hrs per day playthroughs.
Sinners refuge. That is where I found 66% of my named blacksmiths on EL.
Sinners refuge is where I farm first. Later Sepermeru, the Camps around Mounts of the Dead, New Asagarth and the Sink Hole.
I find Sinners refuge has the highest prob. of spawning T4´s. I get blacksmiths, smelters, alchemists, priests and tanners there very easily.
Sepermeru is difficult when it comes to blacksmiths, because it has several spawns but prob. spawning a T4 blacksmith is low. But Sepermeru has a high chance to spawn T4 cooks, Iblis from Zingaria (alchemist), Hoshun (set priest) and Mages (don´t know the english names sorry).
Freya´s has low chance to spawn a T4 Blacksmith. I farmed there for around 4 days and got only one T4 blacksmith and it wasn´t Beri. You can get lucky at Freyas though, because even if you do not get a T4 you can at least get a T3 easily there and speed up production a little until you get a T4.
New Asagarth is worth a try, because it benefits from all the little camps around it. The chance to find at least one T4 worker is high if you keep checking around. I mostly go there if I need fighter and bearer thralls but I often end up with a T4 worker thrall on the rope. Do to all the wolf and direwolf spawns the north is not easy to farm when you don´t have the equipment therefore I wouldn´t start farming there right at start.
Besides Sinners refuge the Sink Hole is the best place to farm thralls early on. The chance to get t4 thralls is very high. The small camps around the Sink Hole are beginner friendly. You don´t nec. need to enter the big camp. It has a teleporter right in the center. You can travel there very easily from the starter area and its near Sinners refuge so you can start there and then move up to Sink Hole in a minute or two.
The mistake I often see people make is concentrating on one spot only. This not only leads to high frustation but also isn´t very productive since they are literally waiting half a day at one place for thrall respawn. The thing is, the more camps you clear out the more new spawns you get. And its often not the big spots you are ending up finding T4 thralls its the small camps.
You can get a t4 right now with the headhunter event.
@stelagel do you care to add to this almighty gather of all things elusive?
Not blacksmith
I’ve got a method of farming specific thralls in sepermeru that I learned a while back from @Coyote0903 and it’s far better than shooting in the dark. It takes time, but it’s bound to work sooner or later. Hunt down and either capture or kill all the named thralls you can find (on average, it’s usually a minimum of 2). Then kill all GUARANTEED spawns of a desired thrall type. In your case, blacksmith. There’s two blacksmiths at the main entrance, and one off on the side road leading to the set shrine. If you go in crazy and kill everyone, your chances greatly decrease at acquiring your desired thrall as any thrall may spawn. Some common and easily overlooked thralls you want to be aware of when trying to clear the named thralls are female archers (there are ONLY two named guards and they’re female archers), set priests (hoshun the fang in particular is pretty common), and the lone fisherman on the small island by the tent. Something to consider is to keep your thrall on “guard me” so as not to aggro and kill anyone you don’t want dead (or knocked out if they have a truncheon). This a great place for thrall farming imo since you can easily skim through the city without much danger and there’s tons of named thralls that spawn.
Alternatively, some good camps for farming crafters in general are Sinner’s Refuge, New Asagarth, and the Black Galleon. These all have reasonable spawn rates. You just can’t target specific thralls at any of these since they’re hostile and you’ll be killing everyone.
Nordheimer camps, especially the 2 north of New Asagas, have a really high chance of getting Bladesmith.
After 2.4 if i remember correctly we had the new crafters system correct? So not only the named crafters are more but they spawn in more camps than we used to see the previous!
It’s true that if you focus in one good camp, maximum in a week you will have all the crafters you need. But it’s this small detail of time! How many hours a player plays in a day it’s very crucial. Sometimes things comes just like that and some others after 3+ hours dedication you’ll gain nothing . This destroys the moral surely!
So my dear @sestus2009, all the above exiles mention really good spots for blacksmiths, i will just add the Skelos well camp. But it’s a really rough area to farm npcs, risky.
Then the pagoda, but it may take 2 weeks .
Purge on northern areas, especially the cimmerian beast tamers was over 60% named blacksmith spawn!
Den and other desert dog camps!
May rngGesus be with you @GHOSTturd99!
Think of it this way, when you head to a department store and prefer dealing with a specific, helpful staff member, they are sometimes off on lunch or a call of nature. You need to go back a couple of times. In Conan, at least you can do away with non-PersonOfInterest with a weapon of choice before using a sap to help convince PersonOfInterest to serve you.
The spawn rates have been cunningly adjusted to help players meet everyone in towns and settlements. Like door-to-door salespeople, you will need to fend off the unworthy first. Think of all the new people you will get to meet in the meantime! #truncheonsrule
I have no luck on farming the Den. I mostly only get the Archer T4 spawning on the plattform left of the camp and thats it.
Before (2 years back) the Den was a very good spot to farm T4 thralls, specially blacksmiths. Nowadays I do spent my time on other camps. I only go there to complete my collection of T4 thralls. But thats it.
What I also do not like about the Den is that its too far away from anything else that is of interest for me. No hugh ressource spot, no other npc camps, teleporter to far away (do not like to go over the jhebal sag dungeon and the passage is riddled with rocknoses).
The Den has a T4 Bladesmith spawn as well. And bowmaker.
Now with the tp stones Den can be on the menu. Before it was exactly as you said. I was building an outpost, farming it for a week and that’s it. But what’s still break balls in Den is that when i happen to go without truncheon (beginning of the game) i will stumble on named ones .
Blacksmiths and Armorers are by far the most important named crafters in pve. Hopefully carpenters are easier and useful mostly on pvp.
Still, for pve honestly now you need none!
This one played from Siptah’s official launch day until late last year without seeing a named Blacksmith of any variety.
But hey, this one has a half dozen Llor the Accurseds making decent armour
RNGesus giveth and RNGesus taketh away.
@Wonka solved this mystery for me . He found the sinner’s refuge of Siptah, believe it or not! My blacksmiths in Siptah until then was mostly from Surges! Of course my first one was from the Siphos camps!
But now for some reason it’s easier for me in Siptah than exile lands, i know it sounds crazy but it’s true!
Camped out there for a week. Got a good taskmaster and entertainer and cook but no blacksmith.
Tried that too. 8-12 hours a day for the better part of a week. They really axed the spawn rate. Got a nice Bearer at the Galleon though.
Kinda got them all but no blacksmith.
Don’t forget the exiled fire camp just south of the cave on the hill. There are immediately 2 crafters slots there at the camp fire with the fighter further south overlooking noob river.