Game mode: [Dedicated Server]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [NA]
After the patch the character art is very blurry. When standing still it’s fine, but when moving, the character edges blur and the warpaint blurs. This is giving me headaches. Please fix this!
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Move around while playing a character.
Behold the blur!
Get headache.
Take some ibuprophen and try to not watch your character while playing. :c
I have the same issue.
Are you also experiencing certain objects being see through? Not invisible, you can make out the shape but still see what is behind it (usually the sky). Examples I can think of are stone nodes and a trebuchet.
Also the blurriness applies to other players walking or moving around me.
I’ve tried the following:
Changing all graphics settings to the default templates for low, medium, high, ultra.
Reverted to ultra and lowered shadows to medium.
Removed anti-aliasing
Removed V Sync
Motion blur has always been off
Updated to latest GPU drivers and software
Restarted several time.
My set-up:
CPU: Intel i5 4590 (I think…)