Bookcases? Really?

What we could use is chests that can be wall mounted. I miss my organization of mats with chests balanced on shelving.


Did someone actually complain about the bookcases or was this just another mistake my funcom? I’m just curious as this really doesn’t pertain to pvp so i hope you all aren’t pointing fingers again.


there was in the beginning before all the other things washed that complaint away…it was called a mini-vault if I remember right…which got my interest and worked to get that unlocked and saw potential…I wouldn’t call it p2w but it’s definitely an advantage IMHO just for the aesthetics and the amount that can be stored in one unit. But like I said someone else, it’s very specialized in it’s advantage that most folks don’t get into.


Being a dev myself, I’ve often had to explain here that things are never as simple as we, as players, would like them to be, and that there are processes, and prioritization, and overhead, and all that stuff. I also find myself frequently explaining that “you fixed this insignificant thing and left this huge bug” is really not apples-to-apples comparison, and that it’s unreasonable to expect low-hanging fruit to be left like hanging just because they don’t have a reliable repro for the big bug. On top of that, I’ve occasionally had to explain that devs are human, too, and that it’s not okay to demand that someone be fired just because a bunch of pixels made you sad or mad.

You know, the kind of stuff that earns you the title of White Knight on these forums :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So yeah, I tend to have that same attitude you described, but there are no reasonable excuses for certain behaviors anymore. Take the arcane bookcase, for example. Unless I’m sorely mistaken, changing the number of inventory slots in it should be no less difficult than making temperwrights craft legendary armor patches again. Both should be in the “low-hanging fruit” category, yet they didn’t see fit to fix the temperwrights despite acknowledging the bug in a huge number of bug reports.

Hell, not only that, the bug was reported in TestLive, in freaking August. We’re approaching the end of October. There ain’t no “benefit of the doubt” that will make that behavior look good.


They still can. I just posted a mini-tutorial on how to do it.

I’m pretty sure I saw it somewhere, either here or on Reddit, but I can’t find it now. But you’re right about one thing: at least it wasn’t as frequent and as strident as it has been for some other stuff.

That’s part of what frustrates me about Funcom, though, and the reason I yell back at those who yell for nerfs: you never know when Funcom will decide to listen. Again, pulling out one of my “favorite” examples, there were no constant, loud cries to nerf the Nemedian; instead, it took only one dude to make it happen.

EDIT: Linked to a tutorial about chests on shelves.


More like beginning of July but that was not as important as nerfing the slots of a cash shop item people bought because it was finally something that looked nice and it was actually a viable alternative of the chests we have been using for 4 years+. Back to stacking chests it is.


Or not.


I don’t understand the P2W argument of this either. If used in PVP, your opoenent would have an easier time breaking into a container with even more of your stuff.
Seems like the exact opposite of P2W.


Because you are thinking of battling head to head. You give me the ability to create a vault amount of storage (2 cabinets) in a 1X2 space and you will never win unless you are incredibly lucky and stumble onto my stores.

And truth be told, you not winning when you think in binary terms of win vs lose means I won because you will simply get more and more frustrated and eventually quit while I play Russian strategies of tactical retreats and quick raids that just keep you tense the entire time.

I too missed this report but good to know. Appreciate funcom taking care of the duping. Now lets hope dark cat on youtube doesn’t post more. This game has been full of bugs since it came out but still very much enjoyable

One Arcane Cabinet = 4.5 Large Chests
5 chests fit into less space than an arcane cabinet
even 1 single chest has more HPs than an arcane cabinet

Is your argument that an Arcane Cabinet/Curio allows you to hide more stuff in a smaller space easier?
If so, why would you use an Arcane Cabinet over a few Large Chests?

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@CodeMage reason…chests are not the most stable storage units when stacked and the risk compounds exponentially the higher you stack.

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I never said anything about stacking chests

If there is a way to fit 5 chests into less space than an arcane curio cabinet, without stacking them on top of each other or on top of any other placeable, could you share it?

I usually use either shelves or tables, but that’s still “stacking”, in the sense of deriving stability from another placeable, and that’s a non-trivial risk.

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You don’t need to stack them. Just chest by chest on the size of the cabinet footprint.


I’ll be damn, it fits.


A better solution to nerfing/correcting the bookcase could have just been to increase the cost to that of 24 large chests. Thats 4 non overlapping chests on a foundation then stacked 6 high to occupy the same space as the bookcase which would offer 1080 slots in the chests.

It would also be good to have a lock and stack system in the game to make it easier to stack chests.

Also all resources should stack in 1000 or more in any storage item to help reduce the quantity of storage items used.

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Yeah, that’s also a good solution. That’s precisely the problem: pretty much any solution would have been better than plainly nerfing this, but nerfing is the easiest and the cheapest.

I used to be more understanding of this practice of picking the cheapest solution, because every team has to prioritize their work, but even I can’t use that excuse anymore when tempersmiths still can’t craft legendary armor patch kits. Both fixes are a simple change in data tables, yet they saw fit to do only one.

Of course, there’s still one reason they would prioritize one over the other. One has to do with BLB, their new golden goose, and the other has to do with the base game. One is for the whales, the other is for the plebs, but sure, let’s all pretend there’s nothing wrong with the new monetization.

Oh, and before someone points out that of course they’ll prioritize fixing the source of additional revenue, let me remind you that they never did that for the DLCs, no matter how much we complained. Or for that matter, how much we bought. It must be that damn item sharing, that was the real culprit :roll_eyes:


Or what about ham-fisted awesome additions to the game that never, ever got completed? And to add insult to injury, now they’ve pretty much outlived their usefulness. Missing Black Blood Cleaver.

I grew up holding a flashlight for a technician. He would say “Barn, 20 ‘good boys’ are ruined by one ‘oh shit.’” I would hold that flashlight steady if it meant the Pinto might blow up beneath us.


Not only does it fit, but you can also fit 8 chests in 1 tile, having them be very secure but also be able to cover them with carpet and other stuff because they are flush with the floor so they don’t really take up any space :grin: