BOOTY SLIDER. I’m back again lmao

Ummm can we finally get that BOOTY SLIDER :sob::smirk:. Let’s be real. The characters can be a little disproportionate lol. It’s been years. We have a damn dong slider give us the booty slider!


This would be nice. Breasts that aren’t so silicone-filled looking would be nice too.


We have mods that do this, and the result can have mixed results. Most of the time it looks fine, but there is quite a few issues with clipping with hair and armor. Then there’s the whole idea of trying to make sure people don’t ruin others’ immersion with some of the shenanigans that they are oft to do.

I can see why at a design level this isn’t high priority. But options are there for those who do want them. I get that consoles can’t have them, but to pick the console version over the PC is a definitive choice to coincide with the original design intent of the game.

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Hips and Thighder does have a nice ring to it


Would also like to see fat body sliders added so I can make fat crafter thralls
(Since we are the ones running around doing all the hard work not them) also fat merchants would be good to see.


Generally when they’re that big, they do sag. And there’s nothing wrong with that. :+1:t2:

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:shushing_face: Don’t let plastic surgeons hear you say that. Or their numerous clientele.
It’s a result of genes, lifestyle and poor nutrition, the later very common these days. You would be amazed how perky some very big breasts can be till later ages when contributing factors are ideal.

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Maxing out the slider and having the sit up like that is not natural. That’s some horrible beach ball crap. :joy:

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Taste is personal. What you find horrible, others find attractive and vice versa. :blush:
IMO, the most good looking are a litte above the medium, which in reality would be a massive but beautiful breast. Slider in the max is cartoonish, but I’m glad it exists. Some armor will flatten women is such way that unless the slider is all the way to the top, you can’t discern it’s a female bosom.


Yeaaah no, I always find it dumb when someone makes midgets with big hunky thighs and arms with a skinny torso that part is dumb and childish, I imagine the same would be used if this system was implemented.

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Seee people want booty slider haha

People want a lot of things, but not all things are good for people. And the same goes for games.

Really? Lmfao but a penis and breast slider is good for the game but a booty slider is not? Just stop :raised_hand::sob:

Yeah its not like it wouldnt have bounds if implemented. Even the dong and bewbs sliders are constrained as currently implemented. It certainly has a much behind it as more hair and face options would have.

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This sounds like a conversation my dad and his brothers used to indulge in when we had family gatherings. :joy:

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It’s always an individual preference mate. I, for one, prefer dark-skinned women, big booty, thick thighs. Call it jungle fever if you must. :grinning:

In saying that, I met a beautiful petite woman and have been happily married for 16 years. :+1:t2::tumbler_glass:


This would be a armour fitting hell


It sure is. I’m very grateful.

But back to the topic, I think that there are many beautiful women (old fashioned of course) that have various body types which would be a nice feature in game.

Of course, a variety for men too. I really don’t think this is a priority for Funcom though.

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Lmfao lord help me. Just want my bottom to match my top lol. She looks like she gonna tip over at any minute. Chicken legs with a giant chest isn’t my thing. Lol. Rather have no chest than a non existent butt.

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