Boss spider not dropping head

Game mode: [ Singleplayer]
Problem: [ Bug, Misc]
Region: [U.S.A]

[I don’t know if this belongs in the suggestion box or here.My suggestion is bosses should drop heads first time.I have killed that spider boss twice and never dropped a head.I don’t how I am supposed kill that nasty King Rhino thats glitched up,but I would die if I did and it never dropped a head.I am talking about that giant spider boss up bye the Dafari camp that’s supossed to drop a head.]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.kill spider boss
2.harvest spider boss head from spider boss

As far as I know, those bosses that drop skeleton keys never drop heads.

If you need a boss head for the journey, the easiest one is the shaleback boss at the Oasis of Nekhet.

There was a spider boss head that was supposed to drop for taxidermy.I was wanting it as a decoration.The King Rhino supposed to drop a head too,but I haven’t been able to kill it yet.I guess I’ll worry about it when I get to it.There is a shellback king that drops a head if a person wants to complete journey quest step “obtain the head of a boss creature”,because it drops one like it’s supposed too.I have plans of going after the green dragon in the unamed city eventually ,which is why I am so concerned about bosses dropping heads as hard as they are to kill and not getting head after all your hard work.It’s not like I should have to kill shellbacks repeatedly just to get a head like the bosses.The rhino’s and jaguars weren’t dropping heads either until funcom fix it.Is this a bug?or do they really expect me kill a boss spider repeatedly just to get a head.???

I think bosses might only have a chance to drop a head (at least prior to this patch anyway), as I don’t always get the head on the first attempt of harvesting from the boss’ corpse.

Is it possible to get a head from the boss spider?I have killed it twice,I don’t want waste a bunch of arrows,only to find out it’s not dropping one like it should.I don’t want my efforts to be in vain,it’s not like I am repeatedly killing rhino and jaguars and not getting one cause there bugged.If anyone can confirm the boss spider is dropping a head,I’ll be on hunt for hairy scary boss spider as soon as funcom gets this crashing stuff fixed.I think i’ll use Razor arrows since hardend ,is hard to make and only one point extra.I play single player and my nefew won’t co-op it like he promised and it’s not I get double resources like multi-player do.I am ignorant about the game but I put alot hard work in to it though.thanks for the tip.

Which bosses are we talking about here? In the 3400+ hours of play, I have never had a single world boss – other than Rhino King – drop a head. And even Rhino King isn’t guaranteed to drop.

You need too use a. Butcher knife too get a head from a creatur undeads need too be get harvest whit a pick axe and ive you want scorpian eggs you need too use a sicel but its evrey time only a chance too get a head or. The eggs

The King Shaleback come to mind immediately, he used to be a super easy kill too (just like the Imp King), until the change that introduced the elites. I get a head from him most times, and it triggers the journey step for getting a head from a boss creature.

Right, so we’re not talking about world bosses, i.e. those that drop skeleton keys:

Spider boss is one of the world bosses. He doesn’t drop a head.

My mistake, but it seems there’s more than one Demon Spider according to the wiki, so one of them must drop a head, or the change is very low.

Ohhhh, now I get what you guys are talking about! My apologies, I forgot about the Demon Spider boss.

@Spacetime, the spider you’re fighting won’t drop head. You need to head out to the Wreck of the Martyr – the island in O6 – and fight the Demon Spider boss there.

There’s a Demon Spider in Weaver’s Hollow as well, but I would not advise fighting that one, since it’s an enclosed area.

Demon Spider near Buccaneer Bay out on the edge of the map in the ocean. North of the Island of unsightly sirens.

This boss spider drops a head.

Woops. Ya answered. My bad. I need to read the whole thread lol

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Hey, it was my bad for muddling up the whole thread because I forgot about the Demon Spider. Sorry about that :slight_smile:

So that boss is not concidered a demon spider ?so no head?well I am real ignorant about game have alot to figure out and explore yet.thanks for the tip

I appretiate everyones advice and other people in the thread as well.I am an old school gamer and funcom is always messing with the game.This game ,there is tons of stuff to know.I am not very tech savy.Sometimes I can get my nefew to look up stuff on his smart phone but not very often.Some of the answers I get are not always the best advice.I’ll give some examples of what I mean.Like how to craft oil since hide thing didn’t work.Answer:make it out of seeds,but eventually I figured out the fish thing .I know there has to be a way of getting goldstone or gold coins or something,I mean better way.answer he pulled off the net from multiple sources ,ocassionaly get it from mining obsidian around the volcano.I got alot of my gold reserves from Halloween event last year ,there hast to be a way of obaining the gold you need besides that,or Halloween events.I guess my question is what is the best way to get in ‘the know’ about this complicated game?

Some resources:

As for gold, specifically, it all depends on your server and your playstyle. I play on official PVE-C servers and I like doing things that serve multiple purposes, so my preferred way is to collect gold and silver from chests around Unnamed City, while I’m farming bosses for fragments and kits.

Other people might prefer looting them from underwater chests in the jungle.

Still other people prefer to mine gold and silver ore. This is especially efficient on servers with higher harvesting multiplier.

A lot of things in Conan Exiles can be done in multiple ways :wink:

I played multiplayer a little.Do to the unstabability of the game,do to the short week you have to play.I ain’t that devoted and awhile back spent 9 days in hospital do my appendix ruptured,I would have lost everything if was playing multiplayer.Maybe if they gave you a month.I also have crap DSL cause I live in the country,so I stick with single player.Thanks for the help,some map coordinates to some gold mines would be a blessing.Some guy had an interesting way of obtaining goldstone and silverstone on YouTube,not sure how he did it though.Talk to you later about his cool idea,I have erands to run, got to go,sorry.

I am back.I obained some rocknocknose eggs during the Halloween event last year and figured out how to put them to use crapping out ironstone and crystal for me.Some guy claimed he bought some gold vein and silver vein rocknose from a vendor and was using them to crap out goldstone and silverstone for him.In my limited exploration of the game I ran across a vendor in an odd location in a desert camp on a platform or walkway or whatever selling rocknose eggs for 5gp,but since I recently came across a this info, so haven’t had the chance to return to see if they are ordinary rocknose eggs or random.I don’t where the guy got his special rocknose from,but it’s definitely worth checking out.Again I could use some info on where to find gold mines.I found a place to mine silver near near the unamed city but haven’t no gold yet.Again thanks for the help.

Code Mage I hope you have a sense of humor,cause here it goes:Feed those rocknose stone dude,let them crap out goldstone and silvestone for you,those guys aren’t dumb!!! I know what your saying "That ain’t WORKING!!!"but that’s the way you do it, money for nothing and check’s for FREE!!!You younger people probably get my Dire Strait reference,but I would’nt mind getting my hands on some of those gold and silver vein rocknose my self.Check out my post dude, like you said multiple ways of obtaining things in Conan exiles.