BUG Purge bar did not reset after purge on official 1504

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: Americas Offical 1504

Purge bar did not reset or go down after purge.
Yesterday on 1504 my purge bar hit the first marker making me eligible for a purge. At 18:03 the purge started while I was offline. Seems my thralls took care of it, and it lasted until 18:49. Logged in this morning to see my event log full of purge starting/ending messages for 45 minutes. Checked my purge meter and it is still at the first bar. Also I thought purges used to last for 20 minutes? why make them 45 now?

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. raise purge meter to first bar
  2. get offline purged
  3. check meter and still same spot.

I wish there was something better they could do about purges. having offline purges is no fun. Having purges starting at 6PM to 10PM server time is no fun. I don’t usually play in the evening, so why not make it so a purge can happen when you are online. oh well. just my 2 cents.




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So after checking yesterday morning and cleaning up after the purge, we did not play all day on 1504 to see if that would lower the purge meter. Logged in this morning to see and low and behold another purge and purge meter did not reset again. Guess this will be a nightly thing now until they fix the purge again.
They attacked a different base last night and spawned inside the base. which made a mess of things since most all of the defenders were outside. good times.
Cannot wait to see what they do tonight.


Once again the purge spawned and my purge meter did not reset. 3 purges in 3 nights. This is getting old really fast.

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Yes I got one of those 3 min purges last night too no horn or anything had just noticed it when checking event log

" I thought purges used to last for 20 minutes? why make them 45 now? "

You are playing in Official server right ? , I have no idea why you said purge last 20 minutes.

  • Purge use to last 30 minutes ( Official server setting ) + Purge preparation time ( also show in event log as " A Purge has started for clan …" ) 10 minutes and + some more delay 5-10 minutes.

Should be about 40-50 minutes for 1 Purge. you got 45 minutes which is a regular one.

" I don’t usually play in the evening, so why not make it so a purge can happen when you are online "

  • Welcome to survival game :slight_smile:

" we did not play all day on 1504 to see if that would lower the purge meter "

  • Purge meter can’t be lower , the only way to clear your filled purge meter is finishing a purge Otherwise sometime when nobody in your clan online for so long ( like 1-2 weeks ) purge meter can be reset ( I not sure it’s a bug or not )

" They attacked a different base "

  • How far between all your different base ? , If they are not far enough like in the same mountain , same river , same island , Purge should can be attacking all of them.

" spawned inside the base. which made a mess of things since most all of the defenders were outside. good times "

  • Purge can be spawn inside your base such as Skeleton , imp.

" my purge meter did not reset "

  • I don’t know about this , But I know in single-player , Online private server , co-op. Purge while Offline will not reset your purge meter.

also If you can share some picture about your problem , they should explain more.

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Hey there @philman

We’re aware of this issue and our team is looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback.

One base is down by the mounds, one is up by frost temple and the third was in the volcano near the OBI. According to the event log all 3 got hit.

Before this latest patch, even offline purges would reset your purge meter as that is how 95% of my purges have happened in the past since I am rarely online from 6-10pm.

Not sure where I got 20 minutes from, just a number that came to me and since I have rarely been on for purges I wasn’t 100% sure how long they lasted. I am ok with the 45 minutes, was just not sure of the old timing.

Thanks all and Ignasis.

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Hey all. I hope my messages didn’t give the wrong impression. I truly love this game and like the purge mechanic. But in the year+ that I have been playing, the purge has not worked properly. I am also not a fan of limiting the purge to certain hours, but I can see why they did it on their official servers. For me, 6PM is dinner and if I get back to my computer in the evening it is not until 8PM or so. Most of the time if I am in the purge range I will have missed it by then anyways.

Luckily everyone was out of the house this evening so I made it online tonight at 6:05PM Eastern and the purge had already started and bandits were attacking my volcano base.

I built SW of the OBI along the side of the bridge there. The bandits spawned in several locations, but the 2 spots I marked in red circles were problems for them. Some groups even spawned over the lava rivers and died instantly. The majority of the groups that spawned near these 2 red cirlces spawned on the other side of the lava and walked into it to reach me.

My greater rhino also tried to cross the lava to reach them, and sadly died. Also one of my fighter thralls was returning home and decided to take a detour into the lava. The fighting was over and I watched her walk right into the lava. One less Vathis in the world now.

And yes, my purge meter did reset tonight. But I know in the past it would also reset even when offline. Or maybe that is just old age setting in and I am getting forgetful.

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Thanks for providing extra information @philman
We’re looking into ways of improving the purge as well as fixing some of the issues that our community is reporting.

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