Bug Report - Inventory Items are Stuck

Basic Info:

Platform: Xbox Series S
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: No New Friends

Bug Description:

Since the most recent update items are not able to be moved in to or out of inventories. We are not able to change the weapons equipped on our quick wheel or place/pick up items from benches or chests. Unfortunately this has made the game virtually unplayable.

Bug Reproduction:

Age of War Update

I can’t even get stuff to go on to my hot bar. Pull something from a chest that goes right back in. Does not matter what I filter it to. Inventory management is just completely broken. Reminds me of Early Access all over again.

:brazil: Conan Exiles feedback Players Helping Players pc xbox ps4

Resolva o BUG de equipar Armadura e Itens até que atualize a “atualização” AGE OF WAR 4

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Thank you!! Sorting by heaviest first seems to be a work around this issue.

Since the sorting is broken, the only option would be to disable it altogether and select “No sorting”.
In all windows, including workbenches and chests.
Especially when you try to interact with them - in all windows, in one time, including your own inventory.
If you have different sorting settings, there is a chance that when you throw away an item, you will throw away a completely different one!

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:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles

Sim… E quando você resolveu isso? :thinking:

Viu meu post há 3 dias atrás? :sweat_smile:

Checked if it works, in my inventory and in the boxes, cabinets, choose NO ORDER, I can save and take normally.
Thank you.

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