Black/White dyes are intended. Unsure about the rest but t4 alchemist is very valuable and generally rare. This one has an extremely high spawn rate which might be why the dragonpowder is back to 100 steelfire.
Sorry, but I don’t really understand what you’re talking about right now.
But anyway, my point is that there is only one normal T4 alchemist (The Darfari Witch Doctor) who even spawns quite often and mistakenly can do Purge only recipes too.
He/she is NOT a purge alchemist, so i guess this isnt intended.
It is the alternative outside purges Funcom offered for black and white dyes. However, this easy to get t4 purge alchemist has much bigger impact outside the black and white dyes.
we would rather wait for the official reply from funcom on the issue
they did speak about the black/white dye however they were vague when it comes to revealing all the secrets on the stream so us players took this witch doctor as “intended”. however, now rewatching the stream it seems that black and white dye alternative might be included in the future cave overhaul. apologies if i have misunderstood your intentions, Funcom.
Black n White dyes were made available thru “regular” “named” T4 Alchs a few patches back, but all the other stuff is Purge-only. And im going off the list you made in the orig post. So yeah hes bugged. Weird I havent seen him on the server yet cuz im camped outside going after bones n powder. I was beginning to think The Summoning Place was no longer a strong point for named NPCs, even Bnaru Heavyhands has not spawned for me in there. Im aware he shares a spawn at the Falls, tho.
When was this on black and white dyes on non purge t4 alchemist I have 4 2 just recently had acquired and none of the regular t4s have black or white dye recipes. Been hopin for a purge one but haven’t been lucky last 2 rounds of humanoid purges. Did grab couple Witchdoctors going to make abunch of dye just incase they do revert them to normal named thralls.
I know it was there after the Halloween event because those dyes were still rare (and dropping in the Halloween meteors) but were available after the turn of the year possibly thru February. My server wiped recently but I had so much Black it was stupid. And it was the thrall in the Volcano that I had, the male one.
I know black dye drops in volcano quite often but other than the purge thrall or Halloween event haven’t seen any white dye. I too on old server I was on had about 400 white dye from Halloween event and ended up with a purge thrall on that server that maked black and white.
Well, what Im saying is that between Thanksgiving and 3 weeks or so ago, the named Alchemist in the Volcano came with black/white recipes on my cauldron and I considered it normal. I was truthfully sick of black and white after a while so i didnt put much thought into it. “Oh okay, we can makeit with T4 now. Great. Moving on…” kinda thinking…
For my part, i think this would be a good rebalance for these people or servers never getting any purge.
While we know all that the purge thralls may have some exceptionnal abilities, we know also they’re are very hard to get in some conditions, or let’s say servers.
I know people never experimenting a purge, what ever they tried.
So it’s a way at least for them to get one, maybe…
Or as in my case have multiple purges a week and have never seen a purge alchemist or blacksmith. This after a year playing this game. The only purge alchemist I have seen is one I had salvaged from a decaying base.
Well either way. Id rather they just throw us this bone. Even if its a mistake your choice to throw bark in a pot to make spice or make oil and coal into tar is hardly game breaking as coal finally gets used. Most people use oil.
The only thing this does is offer dyes really which is cosmetic and harms nothing in any game mode.
Even if a mistake it is safe to say it affects nothing.
The named alchemist in the volcano doesn’t have the black and white dye unless yours is bugged/modded/not-sayd. There are two purge alchemists in the volcano, which would have the recipe.
The Witch Doctor inside The Summoning Place is now the non-purge thrall you wanna go after for the recipes. I wasn’t gonna post this at all because I am done “helping” FC after the last Testlive mega-bugreport-failure that I participated in. They completely ignored everything myself, and several other players I know posted. I’m not helping them (or anyone else) any longer unless it primarily suits me and my users. But here you go anyways at (my and mine players personal) the expense of them dropping the nerf again.