Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: NA
Haven’t played in a while, popped on to all my Thralls starving (server settings has Thralls lose 50% health, everything else is default). Food placed in the Thrall Pot vanishes (be it a single piece of meat or a stack), with no changes to Thrall hunger or starvation timer. Food was found on one Thrall, but they were still starving and their timer was still 0.
Removed & replaced each mod one at a time, restarting the server each time. No change.
Removed all mods & restarted the server. No change.
Replaced all mods & restarted the server. No change.
Food would still vanish from pot, and sometimes it would wind up on Thralls (even taking as much as an entire stack), but they still did not eat it
I have another base on the same server where Thralls do have food in their inventory but it spoils, and timers are strange. A stack of 5 lobster or crab, but only 2 hours on the starvation timers. Tossing an entire stack of 50 meat into a Thrall’s inventory increases timer by a couple hours.
edit: Pets appear to be working as intended
edit 2: Repeated the process again this morning. It now maybe kinda works, but only if all mods are removed, having a single mod (no matter which) breaks it. Even still, with no mods placed food in the Thrall Pots vanishes, timers on Thralls increase, but no food shows in their inventory. Manually placing food in Thrall inventory causes food to vanish.
edit 3: Checked my single player game. Thralls & food appear to work fine with and without mods.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- Thralls at 0 starvation time and 50% health, no mods
- Toss food in pot or inventory
- Food be gone
- Check Thralls and no food shows in inventory
- Adding any mod seems to prevent feeding from working all together