All the recipes and emotes I got have disappeared. And all the rewards from my journey step have disappeared. I can no longer use sorcery. I can’t learn it again. Can it be repaired?
Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: Asia
Server Name: 1400
Mods?: No
Edition: Steam
I’m a little confused… If drinking a potion to reset your point gives you all the points back, then why do you need to recreate your character? Certainly starting with a leveled character that has all it’s knowledge points is better than starting over with a level-1 character, since both will have to ‘relearn’ lost recipes.
My clan has made over 40 reports on this. Including video proof of the hacker doing it. “Sorry there isn’t anything we can do about it!” Is the response you get LOL