hi,i started playing on an official pvp server,but yesterday during a raid someone cheated on us and remove all recipe i’ve learned on my character. i can’t complete again the journey of dungeon delver and learn again the ranger armor recipe.Can you help me? same happened for the magic,i’ve learned the 15 recipe and they gone
“Potion of Natural Learning” If you use this pot, your points will come back and you will open everything from the beginning. and you need to know to produce it. But you need feat points to know. To learn, you must consume “fragment of power”.
However, sorcery production abilities do not return and cannot be learned from the beginning.
ok but still,there are recipe that u can only learn once per playthrough ,and i won’t have access to it anymore,'i’ve already put 100h in this character and recreate is kind of painful, i was hoping for the dev to help me out(sorry if bad english it’s not my native language)
i have a youtube clip of the cheater to prove my word but can’t post it on here
they working on dune so we are abandoned
play private server dude
If your problem is on official server and you seek for dev reply, this forum is not your best bet.
Try https://funcom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us
Create an account on Zendesk and submit a ticket.
I wish you the best of luck m8.
Please let us know if something good will come with this ticket submission, thank you and welcome to the forum