As some of you are aware, we’ve been investigating incidents of malicious actions taking place on some servers. Due to the arms-race nature of this kind of thing, we aren’t able to provide more specific details, but will share what we can when we are able to.
In the meantime, your reports have been very helpful and we would like to ask again that if you have been affected by this, please contact our Help Center and be sure to include specific details of your case beyond what happened, such as server name, ingame location, approximate time it occurred, and any player characters or character IDs you noticed around that time.
Thank you for your patience and assistance with this!
I’ve sent detailed reports and videos of the cheaters in action earlier today. As well as follow-up issues. I’m not sure if those would be addressed in that report though. So here? Maybe?
After the current cheater/hacker loot vacuumed everyone in sight today/lastnight, he somehow managed to destroy my character as well as affecting many others on the server in the same way.
Once my loot was removed, I noticed I could not craft anything by hand, in a table, anywhere. Other than Bazaar items and twitch drops. All of my knowledge was removed. I do mean ALL. Every emote, every dungeon knowledge, book, note, glyph, wall recipe… everything. yet it still showed my knowledge points as being spent. I had 66 remaining out of over 600 more spent with nothing to show for it.
I drank a potion of natural learning which thankfully corrected the point discrepancy. But… anything not in the default “knowledge” tab was gone. Every library of esoteric artifact knowledge, every dungeon recipe, armor, weapons, specialist cooking, specialist ammo, languages, every emote I’ve picked up… Even my sorcery tab shows up as empty. But for the sorcery issue… I went back to the cave in hopes that re-learning it would populate… but nope. BUT all 15 levels of it still work while using the arcane staff even though knowledge shows I have yet to even discovery sorcery. Now you may be thinking, ok everything else I’ve learned is there as well, just not showing up? Nope. Can’t craft anything from esoteric, none of the cooking recipes, emotes etc. Everything I’ve worked to obtain is gone.
No amount of extra potions, bracelet removals, re-logs has done anything to remedy it. That hacker literally sucked everything out of my character. Not to mention since this happened there is massive rubber-banding… if even that. I’ll teleport 10-15m in another direction while running. Running north? Nah how about 10m to the right and running west now briefly. This all started after the hacker showed up and it wasn’t just me having this issue. I had hoped the server restarts would fix it, which is hasn’t. Pvp is back on but we still die with our gear in our inventories upon reviving.
I’m not sure if this is the kind of added info you’re requesting but hopefully it helps and get’s fixed. Because short of just deleting this character, I’m not sure what else I can do.
Hi would this be why I have just tried to log in, and find somehow access has been denied me on official servers untill 17th Dec, all was fine 3 days ago, it states abuse of the claim system, yet I have build nothing new for 5 months!, conveniently when my base will have despawned. It would appear that this affects both my Siptah and Exiles bases, neither block any resource, the Siptah base is tiny compared to most, , admittedly the exiles castle could be considered a bit big BUT there are many muc larger ones on the same server! Please advise, was about to buy some more DLC’s but really don’t want to be wasting even more money and time if I lose yet another base and hours/weeks of work…
Oh, just seen on facebook group, there are groups going round deliberately and maliciosly reporting players on purpose just to be spiteful/funny/annoying.
I really hope after all the losses before I don’t lose what I have now, it this is the case and nothing is done before my stuff goes, then this time I will not be coming back. Too much now
I know the rules. havent broken any in the past 6 years! Nothing has changed in either of my bases…and would it be usual not to get an email, to lose both of my bases and 6 years of work? Is it really that easy for someone to grab land just by one report and undo all that effort someone else put in? Am onlu guessing as to the reason, but after everything we’ve all been through with endless log in locks, loss of entire bases due to server and game issues, this just seems very abrupt, out of the blue and ridiculous to be honest
Nobody is going around keeping tabs on your bases though. Funcom doesn’t go around looking for violations, they investigate based on reports. So you could have built something years ago and you genuinely thought it was completely okay, but somehow it wasn’t and you only got reported now by another player.
Just something to keep in mind.
In any case, if you got a regular suspension and a regular base wipe, then that is unrelated to this topic. Based on what you said it does seem like you had action taken against you by Funcom for violating their landclaim rules. (And no, they don’t send any emails or any warnings, the way it plays out is that you get a base wipe and you can’t log in after the next restart until your suspension expires)
So I lose everything on exiles AND siptah, when as far as I can tell i did nothing wrong, there are other huge bases nearby that do iindeed block resources and paths, mine didnt on either? Seems very draconian to lose all server bases because of one player who might just want my spot, its the only reason I can think of
I really hope this is a part of the above issue, because if it isn’t, as others will attest on here, I have lost my castle on exiles 3 times in the p[ast due to the never ending log in loop issue and a couple very bad updates, and to have my hard solo efforts stolen from me like this is the end of my money and time wasted on this game. I love Conan, but even I can’t take any more of the one-sided unfairness.
Abuse of the land claim system means you built so large a funcom admin decided your build was too big. Has nothing to do with when the last time you built was.
Your builds may still be there; well except maybe the offending ones, but your suspesion is all public/offical servers.
So you admit to the ToC violation but feel it’s ok because everyone else is?
Those “everyone else” might be next. But that is how rules work, as you see just because it is being done doesn’t mean it isn’t A ToC violation.
I’ve been to quite a few PVE servers, there is always at least 1 person that think they own the server and build like it’s theirs. 4-5 is common.
Then don’t build big.
Don’t believe anything you read on facebook.
Not saying people haven’t mass reported out of spite, or done it to exploit PVP, but there are not groups running around the servers.
You don’t actually lose anything but building time.
That you know of. The way the ToC is enforced you wont know you violated it till you can’t log in because of a suspension. You wont get any sort of warning.
Nothing will stop you from building in a zone that will get you suspended for building in it.
SOP, that’s funcom.
I read that and think some massive none stop build with vaults of hoarded mats and content.
Yes because it had nothing to do with violating the ToC
That is how it works, oh ya we have been pushing for changes for years, but funcom would rather lose players then change it.
You can actually be in violation of multiple ToCs and not know it till someone reports it. That is part of the failure of the system.
No. Suspensions are 7 days, decay timers are 10. The only build lost may have been the offending one. But you might rethink how you have built on the other servers. To bad funcom doesn’t do the proper thing and explain how you violated the ToC so you could redo other builds to comply.
YOU are the HOA agent for funcom, it’s up to you to report violations. And why the system doesn’t work. Who actually wants to be that guy?
If that was how it worked I’d agree, but you need to stop believing the crap you are fed on facebook, reddit, or where ever.
That actually sounds like a very specific someone’s BS.
This isn’t that. That hack wont stop you from logging in.
It wasn’t stolen from you. A funcom admin investigated a report and found you in violation.
Sorry, but this is my pet peeve ask anyone. I’ve been on multiple PVE servers and they are cookie cutter do to the… poorly functioning, haphazardly enforced, vaguely written ToC. The entire system needs to be redone from the ground up. The system is built on the quick sand of expecting players to be HOA agents.
Now a few questions.
How many builds did you have per server?
How many vaults do you have on average?
How much area does your biggest build on a server cover?
How much of your builds are ornamental?
Do you use a lot of ornamental content?
How many thralls do you have?
How often do you add to builds?
Now this list isn’t just for you, I think everyone playing on the public servers needs to ask them selves these questions.
Now to funcom server admin; ya I know, log on to any PVE public server and you will find multiple ToC violations before you cross noob river.
What the others also failed to relay is that you can get guilt by association as well. If you were part of a clan and didn’t leave the clan and they do something wrong, you will get their punishment as well regardless on how long you have been away from that clan. If you are still linked, you will be taken down if they admins ban the clan.
If enough reports come in within a short period it triggers an automatic ban and devwipe (depending on “offense reported”. Happens frequently. Hell i have discord dms with a guy who openly admits to having a mass report bot and hacks that he made. Due to it being in discord Funcom wont do anything about it though.