Building, Apprentice Mason


I couldn’t figure out how to start building. I see no recipes for it. I googled a bit and apparently I need to learn Apprentice Mason.

I am level 11. I see nothing related to building in my Feats menu. The categories that I have are:


Whatever filter I choose. Can’t scroll anymore up nor down. When I hit the search button, all the recipe category weapons are bunched together and then I see some new icons, including “Apprentice Mason”. But it disappears as soon as I stop searching.

I’ve tried this solo and on a server. What am I doing wrong?


Darn it.

(Can’t include images yet). Scrolled to the top, my feats pane has nothing above “Decorations”. I guess I’ll open a support thread then. Thanks.

You’ll never know where you will find a bug in this game :grinning:

Try clicking the utmost right FEAT category, to get all feats in one window and look up corresponding icons.

That’s what I did:
“When I hit the search button, all the recipe category weapons are bunched together and then I see some new icons, including “Apprentice Mason”.” But I’d rather it worked properly since I am not sure I am supposed to know what to search for :).