I know, based on what i’ve read (I haven’t read the entire thread), you are in an area that has a building blocker. You could build there because, again, on PlayStation you could build in an area not accessible to any other player on any other platform or game mode (PlayStation server). Now that PlayStation SP is finally uniform with all other play modes and platforms, you can no longer build in that area.
Not a bug, building blocker that you could ignore up until your latest patches.
There are further complaints (including from you) how you can no longer place bed rolls in Sepemeru and etc. That’s all the same thing. You’ve never been able to place bed rolls in a dungeon, or Sepemeru, or wherever there is a natural building blocker. Same with placing followers, all other placeabls, and all other buildings.
No reason to report how you can no longer build in this area, or that area, or that other area where you normally could before. Because, again, that’s how it’s setup on literally all other game modes. You’ve just caught up.
I’m aware. I’m just pointing out that advocating for a server setting is fine and I would support you, based on the fact I literally made a mod to do this (and have worked thousands of hours on it to make it into what it is today). LBPR wouldn’t exist today had their been an easily useable setting already available (only thing that exists is an old legacy build anywhere console command that has significant limitations).
You don’t need to educate me on how this all works though. I’m beyond well aware how and why building blockers are set up and what their functionality is and all the different types used and for what purposes.
Ill try again, I guess I’m not clear, but I don’t know how else to explain it.
Playstation Single Player, likely unintentionally, was allowing players to place things in building blocker zones that no other game mode would allow (PlayStation server, XBOX all game modes, and PC all game modes). Playstation Single Player is now uniform with everything else.