I do not understand why stair building pieces have less stability when oriented like a real castles stairs around a 6 triangle wedge base. This makes building stereo typical winding, round and round, castle stairs much more frustrating than it has to be.
My suggestion is to tweak the stair tiles so they have the same stability length wise as they do oriented straight out from the building piece they are attached to. There is more contact with the base/tile block length wise too. So it doesn’t really make sense that stability goes down.
Sorry. I am exasperated from trying to build the stereo typical castle stairs and need to vent a little.
Overall I like the new building system. I would not have tried to build castle stairs with the old system. It would have wasted too many materials. Thanks for the improvement!
Pretty sure the “stereotypical castle” spiral staircase would be contained within a tower or otherwise supported by walls. The ones you’re probably thinking of I’d picture belonging to a more modern castle. Well, modern as in the last 400 years or so.
Sorry. I should have said “stereo typical tower, castle stairs.”
I took 3 pics but I don’t know how well they show the stairs. Which, unfortunately are not quite stereo typical tower stairs as they have flat tiles between each stair as opposed to just stairs going all the way around and up.
Put pillars under the tile to gain stability. The higher your stair climbs the lesser stability it gets. So either you put pillars to strengthen them or enclose the whole stair inside walls.
For PC users there’s the possibility to use mods adding curved stairs. @Multigun’s mods like Pythagoras or LBPR additional features do that. But you’ll still get the same stability problems.
This is your stability solution!
The walls will provide to each piece 80 stability, so you will have no issues. Another trick that you can do on your base looks is the last perimeter to be ceilings with pillars under. This way the foundations won’t be visible from outside and you will have “one wall” look.
What OP mention does make sense, stairs lose a lot of stability, more than it should. The problem has to do with it only snaps at the bottom and the top, the sides never support but it should, like a ceiling.
This actually can have a stability solution but it has to be one piece including the pillar in the middle that will provide the stability!
1)It wouldn’t match with our building pieces, we have polygon system, not curved!
2)It would be a piece to build alone and give you solutions of using this instead of elevators.
3)It needs rails, functional rails, like fences, your effort climbing this round stair without rails would probably get you of the stair. And trust me, even in gaming even in real life these stairs are killers when you go down, not up.
Now if they had a polygon block work as a stair, similar to the tree foundation with a pillar in the middle for stability, this would be awesome. It would give solution to climb your archer polygon tower without expanding out of 6 triangles build! Yes I would love that too. @Technicolorfool thanks for bringing this up, @prologue1337 thanks for explaining
Yes both of these pieces could match nonetheless in the game and provide vital solutions too.
Builders will never stop asking more in this game and they shouldn’t! I promise to my self that I will stop asking more and more in this game, to give them a break and focus on gaming tweaks.
It’s awesome @prologue1337 I want it…
Omg, maybe after all they have to silent me in here, it’s best for them I guess .
Stick with it, it only took five years to get cosmetic armor/xmog/illusions
To clarify, there’s no criticism here, implied or otherwise - I am well aware that the reason it has taken so long is one of different visions, not (necessarily) one of capability.
But it did worth the waiting . @Mikey so many things m8, so many things, they never stop, they always thank us for keep providing feedback, why should we not thank them back??? OK I do understand that lots of times I sound sweet unsalted here, but I find our behavior sometimes inappropriate!
These people deserve better, that’s all I think about! So I don’t care how I sound, they must share my enthusiasm too, not only my frustration!