Building Medieval Castle Stairs

this is mine! can go supported on one side or be closed and look like a column (goes really well when u combine 2 of them on each side of a gate…


Man i never realized it, i will try tonight!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mind Blown GIF

Hey great ideas. Thanks eveyone!

Thanks for all the replies and feedback @Community. My tower is not complete yet. That’s why there are walls missing. I ran out of steel reinforcement. :face_exhaling:

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Have you seen the rust spiral stairs? They come with rails and not only a square one but a piece that fits into a triangle foundation :smiling_imp: they would work soooo well on conan

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No I haven’t, if you find a photo please send! I remember in ark they had spiral stairs but no rails :confused:. Thank you @Demonic13

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Don’t get me started on the ark ones. What a let down that was :joy: these are a couple of examples. If you check TY. I’m sure there’ll be a build vid :upside_down_face:

I want them to add these soooo badly :joy:

If you place another one on top, it removes the handrail and puts it higher


Truly awesome, thanks m8 :+1:t6:

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