Buildings killed Berserker? 😟

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Some players built a ton of huge sandstone block-like buildings in Mounds of the Dead around the water spot where the Cimmerian Berserker is expected to spawn.
They do not spawn after the buildings appeared.
Can I find them in any other spot?

Edit: they are spawning as expected!


Its possible for them to spawn inside Mounds of the Dead as well, in a couple locations, but you have to cycle the thralls to make them spawn. Sucks that the one spot he spawns 100% of the time is blocked.


Thank you! I will look around then.
Oh, yeah. And probably the same one that built there wanted the same Thrall :man_facepalming:t2:.


On the official pve server we play on people have built up above but didn’t realize they could build and block the spawn. Have you tried talking to them.? I have grabbed several dozens there on 3504. Perhaps it is ignorance on their part when we first joined the server someone had blocked the spawn at the back of Sinners refuge got a chance to talk to them and they moved their base. @Wonka


You can log a complaint about this on zendesk. Select “land claim” option. They have blocked an important NPC spawn, as far as I know that is a breach of terms of service.

Good luck!


I have never seen them around. They built overnight, I guess we play at different times :expressionless: .
I will try to talk to them this weekend.
I have always thought that the game should have building restrictions to all important paths, spawns, and such. It is a big world and many times it will be ignorance :frowning: .

I did not know that blocking spawns was complaint material, thank you!
I did not find any Berserkers around the camps, like Nemisis suggested.
I will try to talk to them, if not, I will have to complain like you say.

Yeah I’m pretty sure that blocking important spawns with base building is a no no. If you report it Zendesk can open an investigation.


Serker can spawn at the last stone circle outdoors where some Bearer spawns or he/she can be found in Stargazer’s Crest but chances are very low because he/she shares those spawnpoints with Dalincia and many T1-T3 Fighters.


It seems a really slim chance! I really need to talk to that people :exploding_head: .

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Good luck


I am on our private server ps4 truncheon educational session with lady berserker it will not let me build in the area. Got her a buddy now. I am not sure how the blocked the spawn. Can you send a screen shot. @Wonka

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Gotten 4 now looks like they spawn in the water :droplet: don’t see how they can be blocked unless a glitch on your server. @Community any input on this situation?

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Just remember landclaim radius.

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Yeah. AS a experiment my wife is putting foundations down as close as she can. Another clans land claim runs right up no building zones.

I will try to record a short video today :+1:

It’s alive! Alive!
I walked to they spawning spot and there it was, a brand new Berserker for me to recruit!
I guess they are over hired and I just walked when they were not around.


Good to hear.

Skelos? Where?
Y army is RHTS only so far.

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Great idea! It is time I learn obsidian recipes as well, have been pushing it away :laughing: .

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