Interfering with berzerker spawn on official?

PVEC official. Is posting several archers next to the Berserker spawn, on aggressive, a reportable issue? We are unable to knock out the berserker before the archers kill it.


Only submitting a ticket thru zendesk will answer that question. My hunch is that behavior is frowned upon.


That certainly falls under the category of “blocking content,” I would recommend reporting them on Zendesk as @darthphysicist suggested. It could also be an accidental thing on their part, you might want to try talking to the other person/clan.


I have messaged them twice. Judging by the build and placement, they know exactly what they are doing. Based on their other builds and their clan name, being problematic seems to be their goal. I will report it.


Off chance is there room for you to block there archer’s? That is a jerk move they are playing

I had this on my server with berserkers and dalinsias in full high end gear once. It was totally a dick move. Managed to kill some of them with palisades and loot them, then he let it decay and I killed him, his thralls, and took all their stuff. I still have some of my guards at the mounds wearing his thralls’ equipment. :sunglasses:

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Two wrongs don’t make a right. Blocking someone who’s blocking will result in two bans instead of one


Ok. So get the skelos master armor plus the slaver hood. Max authority and use a good truncheon. 9 hits is all you need and once the serker goes down they stop shooting.

This PSA was brought to you with the help of @Wak4863 .

Also kite the wights to travel over there. Sure they will probably kill them but you are wanting their arrows depleted so that only the bow damage remains.

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You can also go get a Relic Hunter instead, they are far more powerful and just as easy to get with over 6 different guaranteed spawn locations.

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Not saying it does. Last time I heard something similar blocking berserker spawn I went up there on our private server. Can not build close enough to keep berserker from spawning in. On official server we have played on built up in the area big time still spawning in. What I was trying to get across is blocking some asshat who is attempting to make sure no one else gets berserker from there :sweat_smile:.

That may be true, but someone who does what this jerk is doing is ridiculous. Why must he choose between the two when he could just have both? Berserkers and RHTS are both great in their own right. It’s inexcusable for someone to block a spawn in such a way. Just ignoring them isn’t going to help. Not everyone wants to go just straight RHTS. While I do have RHTS, I myself am a berserker fan personally. Also, the berserkers are usually prettier. :smirk:

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Yeah, I agree completely, I already said he should report them. I was just offering an alternative in case he didn’t want to wait for Zendesk. :wink:

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fair enough. And yeah, on a PvE server that’s all you can do at this point since they made it insanely difficult to kill any troll’s thrall placements now.

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