By the way LOOOOVE the new title screen backdrops

cool as hell, always gets me exited to play


I am glad you like them.

I do not.

But, and this is important, we can like different things.

Be well.


Funcom will translate that as:

“They don’t mind the errors we have been releasing nor do they mind the debilitating changes we make due to our incompetence!”


they annoy the hell out of me


It took some getting used to, but I think they are pretty.


Pretty as in, let me show you how the stutter ingame is going to be? :smiley:

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Exactly this👆.
Like you @hibbidyjibbidy i really like them too. I am in love with the starting theme of the game, so this background made it so much better.
It’s a freak thing and if we had a meter in freak i would possibly hit the higher points :laughing:. Nice job.


I like them too! It is nice to see some additional variety instead of just the one static screen like we had in the Age of War. I also like how it showcases multiple biomes.


While this one personally likes them…
This one also wonders if they are related to why this one can no longer skip the opening cinematic

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I don’t experience stutter.

in the menu or in the game or both?

Both. Only time I experience lag or stuttering is around heavily decorated/huge arse bases or if the server is about to tank.

I’ve found the cinematic can only be skipped once we ‘Sign into PlayStation Network’.

Although, I’m still not sure why that is even a thing now. Only became a thing in the last age.

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Well on the official server I am on it turns into a lag fest as soon as there are more than 10-12 people online

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