Can we get live support?

I believe they hacked the cloack so they are invisible to others! If you manage to apply cloack, God and ghost on your character then more or less, game over!!!
@Katniss all I can say here is Bravo you keep playing, it takes balls to keep playing and from what I see you have plenty :+1:t6:

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Get you a few more peeps together and for $10/month each, I’ll run you a server with live support.


Define how many :wink:.
I would totally get @Taemien offer!

hi i would like to share 2 videos of my clan defending vs hackers 20 minutes each, in case you are curious.
the first time we managed to repel them, but the second time he came back for revenge with another account or worse, is another person. and send me to the desert the first thing he did was blow up the beds.

the videos are on spanish since we are from SA. sorry for not translate it.

it seems to me people is using the same kind of hack, they can loot you from afar, kill you from afar, only can hit 1 person at a time, they can place bombs from outside and hit you from outside.

They don’t seem to have ghost mode, it is like they activate it depending on their POV. but is not like their characters TP only their hitbox.
they can also loot your stuff.

and of course, speedhack, but like i said before, is not godmode, they are not unable to die. they can die. the damage does affect them thats why we managed to survive the first time.
but these people were mocking me saying this:
check this out:

what he is saying is basically this, it doesn’t matter that they ban them by the time the ban cames, they are already on another cheap account.

so either they find a way to stop hacking, make the ban more difficult to sort, by ip or whatever or simply ban faster or it will be REALLY difficult to play official.

i hope funcom sees this and uses all this information for the better, ty for reading.


oh yes i was trying to use heavy armor, and at some point i tried to close up my base entirely with foundations to see if it worked
spoiler:it didn’t.

seems like beds were at his range maybe they would not have wiped me if i had a pillar base since they can’t climb or fly, but pillar bases are sooo out of meta and now it will be even worse.
the cheaters until now they could not fly… but with the new bat… yeah.

i will surely be far more prepared next time vs hackers, i learned so much from our encounters. ty.


And always will.

I don’t think any game i’ve played has every cleared them out, only kept them at bay or made it easier to report them.

Likely to be ongoing thing, and making it harder for them… or hoping they get bored and move on. XD

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Ya, and I think people fail to realize the depth in which some of these hacks originate. A LOT of them I’ve seen over the years are engine level. Meaning the hacks they do in Conan works in Ark, and etc.

Its one thing to address security holes in your code for your game, its a WHOLE other thing when its engine level.


The thing is the majority of these hackers hide all their loot under the map or over the map. So it may be a challenge to stop hackers but it can’t be that hard to stop meshing and flybases

It would be enough to ban those hackers. The game is not free and there will come a moment when the person stops wasting his money on a game in which he gets banned again and again. But the sad reality is that no one does. In all the time I’ve been playing CE, I’ve only once seen someone from Funcom come and ban a hacker who, apart from using cheats, was able to do much bigger things, but in the end that was also something they were able to solve. So there is always a solution, you just have to be interested in it

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