This is not a call for Admins or People to clear a server, this is supposed to be a discussion about something our community seems very divided about, please give it a chance before it’s locked.
We’ve discussed this before on the forums and usually the opinions are split between
“I think we should be able to deny an entire server the ability to fight back from foundation spamming brimstone or other resources, because we have the resource”
“There shouldn’t be build zones on important resources, such as brimestone”
I agree with both to a point. I don’t think people should be able to spam T3 foundations all over the lake that spawns Brimstone. Not because you’re not allowed to wall off contested resources or what not. That’s fine. But when you place a “foundation” on top of a spawn, removing the spawn all together, that’s dumb.
Not only does that punish people who need the resource, but even if you have the resource through other means, be it diving or caves - you have to spend more than you get in return over time removing the ‘foundation’ from the node, in addition to having to wait for it to Respawn after clearing the foundation piece blocking the node.
Walling off or hindering access to a node is different. The node is there, you can farm it if you get past the obstacle preventing access. Blowing up a wall to get access to resources I (PERSONALLY) Think is alright.
This isn’t some pedestal, “hear me” post. My opinion on something like this isn’t the only one, or the correct one.
But when we all know there are people who still cheat to this day, who still dupe or find other exploits like passing through geometry to get into your base without using explosives - we can’t just leave out the possibility that, these people do ‘indeed’ join servers in order to ‘ruin’ the community that exists there. By spamming foundations, or blocking random areas of the map or trying to reduce performance.
These things happen and we shouldn’t ignore it.
That said though, people do get salty and claim hacks and cheats at everything that inconveniences them, this waters down the argument that someone may be hacking but that too, happens.
It’s really hard to have a discussion on the subject because there are far too many people who would rather rile you up than contribute to the conversation. It’s better to 'Troll you" for the memes than to actually discuss something a big portion of the player base deems a problem.
I think “walling off” a resource is a far better way to deal with something like this, by making it impossible to 'build on top of a valuable spawn" (Brimestone, is the example i’ll use but you can add anything if you wish). Because that way, you’ll get gameplay incentive from both kinds of players.
The people who want in, to get the node and the ones who want to keep you out defending their resource. This adds to the game instead of ruining it.
Especially when you encounter servers like 1031(?) where people come and refresh the foundations everyday to keep them up if any are destroyed.
It negatively impacts the community that want to play with other people on an official server, so that they can experience all the game has to offer, when people who have the means actively disrupts the server.
There is one thing to claim something.
It’s different when people seek to destroy the server.
I am almost 100% certain that a lot of you, who may read this - have joined servers that are old, that have T3 foundations spawned ALL over the map, from the most southern reaches of the map, coming from the first ‘spawn’ to the top of the frozen mountains of the north. Explosions of randomly placed foundations everywhere.
Why would that even be okay? - It’s clear, at least to me, when someone is doing it to ‘claim’ a resource and someone is doing it actively to destroy or ruin something.
However this thread goes, I hope that we can at least talk about ways as a community to fix something to make Conan better, so more people play - so we dont see oceans of empty servers, especially, when the Expansion/new map is coming out
PS: Don’t have time to fix typos or grammar right now, I hope it was readable
A Tofu.