I like the game, However crafting T3 building pieces takes FOREVER! During which time I am unable to do anything but AFK when crafting large numbers of T3 pieces. There could be an argument that well you could still play during that time and gather and whatnot, but I play on a PvP server and do not want to risk losing all my materials to someone attacking me with them on my person. Can we please make this happen?
Don’t you place stuff as you make it? Maybe that’s not realistic in PvP, I wouldn’t know, but I always place and make at the same time.
no I plan out what I am going to build and craft everything ahead of time, but even then you would still have to have the mats on you and in a PvP situation that isn’t cool.
That’s how I do when I’m laying down the first sandstone structure, but when it comes time to upgrade to higher tier pieces, I like to have a full stack of everything before I get started.
@Kazarian you’re definitely not the first person to ask for this.
It also takes forever to scroll through the menu looking for items if you have all the DLCs additional building trees unlocked like fencemaker and roofer and stuff. Yes you can search for things my name, but its still tedious. I dont know how easy it is to seach for stuff on console though
On console there’s no search option. You just push down and wait. Assuming that mouse scrolling works, our only option is worse than your 2 best options.
I don’t find it that bad, I’ve got a good selection of DLC so my crafting list is long but it’s mostly alphabetical. There are ways it could be improved but it’s not that bad, in my opinion.
thats what i figured.
I am on board with this topic. Playing on PS4 is a drag finding everything even more so when you have all the DLC’s.
I can confirm i also go afk or just sign off when I want to make 100+ pieces of something
I usually top of my food & water then sit in a chair in full shelter. For the people who play singleplayer mode, logging off isn’t an option.
Extra tabs on the Crafting panel would be good to go: Crafting menu: sticky menu position, tabs
Each tab could let you select T# objects that only show when the tab is active.
Funcom: We hear you loud and clear conan exile fans. You want organization tabs and clean crafting menus. Well your in for a treat in our next big patch/DLC coming out next month we are going to be giving you Lobster Mounts!
Thats, not all new Tiki Theme Buildings![](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/funcom/original/3X/a/a/aa9943781538e77f41212d89351aa1b1a1976996.jpeg)
Forum Users: But we didnt ask for that…
Funcom: And dont forget we are still working on a new massive DLC map. We know your all going to be excited about all the improvements and upgrades we never listen to our community. You will like what we like!!! … O and we also nerfed almost every weapon in the game for more of a realistic feel
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