Cannot load saved game in single player

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]

Everytime i try and load my save game file for single player it gets about 3/4 through the load and then crashes to the home screen. I have spent considerable time on this save file and this is unacceptable. The game is completely unplayable at this point.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Sign in to conan exiles on ps4
2.Select continue (co op or offline)
3.File begins to load and will crash at 90% approximately
4.return to launch screen. (everytime since this last update)

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Hello @Bitterdwarf1, thank you for getting in touch, we’re aware of the crashing issues during loading on console and our developers are currently looking into these.

We advise you to reduce the amount of light sources, npcs and even building pieces, if possible, as the crashes are in many cases caused by trying to load into heavily burdened areas, since the single player game has trouble handling the same load as the online game, especially on console.

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