Challenges of Crom

What if players could pray to Crom, but Calling upon him will spawn a world boss or horde of enemies that will aggro on upon the caller, but in return would reward the player in unique ways, if he survies.

If the player dies, the bosses and enemies despawn and Crom laughs at the player and his weakness.

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I’d be okay with this without rewards even. :laughing:


But Crom does reward those who survive against all the odds. that is his canonical nature. Maybe if a weak player calls upon crom enough times, Crom deleted his character as a punishment for pestering him all the time. :smiley:

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As long as he knows how to put up a fight, that’s enough of a reward for me. No matter what he delivers, though especially if he tries to delete my character, I’m gonna put his head and his rewards into his behind - sideways. :joy:

Does he? I thought he just gave man the strength and the will to survive at birth, and after that, he couldn’t give a damn. It was the man’s responsibility to use those gifts.

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If you read the books, you’ll find that Crom does help exeptional people when they call upon him

Which books? The new ones or Howard’s?

That’s the general rule, but every rule has it’s exceptions. And just so we’re clear to the rewrite Crom advocates around here, the word “exception” is not free license to violate the defining core of Crom at every opportunity.

I think the only time he directly intervenes or rewards people though is in works not written by Howard. But for the most part he just sits and broods up in his mountain and occasionally sends something nasty at people who bother him.

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Where is this mountain you speak of?

It’s in northwestern Cimmeria and is called Ben Morgh or sometimes Mount Crom.


Thanks. I’m gonna look into it.

I’ve read every Conan story written by Robert E. Howard, including those that were left unfinished or unpublished by his death. I have the complete collection as an e-book at hand wherever I go that has an Internet connection.

So I’m afraid you’ll need to be a bit more specific with “the books”. Which particular book are you referring to?

I think that was the general idea at least when it comes to expanding the Crom “religion”… (I know I’ve suggested that we should be given the option of bothering Crom to fill our purge faster, with the purge standing in as the “Something nasty” he sends at us… Possibly even with a unique super hard purge for those of us that are dumb enough to really bother him.)

all the stuff i have done on crom!

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