Changed my Steam Review to Negative

No it’s not… though to clarify I am not talking about the actual bugs like… idk for example the Dye button in the inventory being available based on whether the source item is set up to be dyeable and not based on the illusion as it should - that’s a legit general game bug.

I’m talking about unresponsive AI, rubberbanding, purge spawning in your base when it shouldn’t, disconnecting whenever you fight something… etc.
Those are simply not present on a well managed private server… if you still have them on your local server, you’re simply doing something wrong… either your computer can’t handle it and isn’t allocating enough resources (like power saving mode etc) or your server is misconfigured (you can adjust bandwidth limits and NPC AI trace frequencies via config files)

And yes, the disconnecting can happen on your internal server too… but it’s an actual legit disconnect caused by the Funcom servers losing losing connection temporarily… It happens like… once in 3 days… (at least to me) and it’s not related to being in combat or anything, I can’t go ahead and trigger it if I want to like people on officials can simply go and fight a boss and get disconnected…

So no… there is no overstatement here… I’ve played this game since early access and I only ever had issues on official servers so I stopped playing there… ever since then I had a completely 100% smooth gaming experience…

As for the overbuilding part… the buildings themselves have a very minor impact on the servers… Conan’s building system is literally the most optimized part of the game… it’s the decorations and placeables that cause the issues.

I agree with this!! I honestly don’t think they have the same quality servers that gportal sells to people for money… because I know people who have pretty popular private servers on gportal and that happens to run fine for them, so that at least proves that they do possess decent quality options as well… but apparently it’s not for everyone… and not for Funcom officials… which sucks

I don’t particularly have an issue with that (as someone who makes mods), however I do agree with the gameplay portion of it… Personally I don’t really like mods that actually change the game, which is why I mostly make QoL mods (things like showing armor stats in the armor bench or a minimap etc.) while keeping the gameplay portion of it fairly vanilla.
And as far as QoL mods go, I really don’t see a reason not to use them, it clearly improves on vanilla without changing the game itself, so I wouldn’t want to search for a fully vanilla option :slight_smile:

There are some out there that have a password but they’re still welcoming and the password is on their modlist collection page or their discord and it’s just to keep trolls / hackers out who don’t bother doing the basic research.

Well, at least in those situations you have the benefit of actually being able to ask someone for clarification on the rules :stuck_out_tongue: which isn’t really happening on officials

Yes, I understand all the typical reasons why people are reluctant… @donbzm above actually gave a pretty clear picture of the “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation :slight_smile:

The 12500(12401) average steam players per day I get from the Steam Chart:

Not really sure if it is a unique count because the mmo-population site doesn’t really give much information other than saying their numbers are an estimate which is a bit vague.

Count me in on that, and I think Funcom has them, but I somehow doubt they will show us them :grin:

Because, outside of just curiosity’s sake, what benefit would sharing this information have on the player base? If anything it would drive a wedge in the players. If it is true that console is a 10:1 ratio to PC players, then the PC player will be unmotivated to provide feedback or feel their views are worth anything because of the overwhelming presence of the console and the console player will be bolstered and start acting like PC shouldn’t matter. It can go the exact opposite as well but neither is value added to the game or the community. So with that, it doesn’t need to be discussed outside of we are all part of this community and should value eachother.


Oh yes, I stopped playing on servers with mods since I met one which was giving weapons way stronger than the strongest weapon of the game. The owner of the server was shooting lightning bolts out of his sword… His friends using the mods were shooting fire, ice and whatnot from theirs. They would one shot ALL the bosses and mobs, even in the Maelström :exploding_head: Come on… even Crom would become green with jealousy! I couldn’t see the point in playing anymore when I was surrounded by demi-gods lol.

Ah… And having to update the mods wasn’t fun, that too :thinking:

I… have never done the basic research :scream:

True. Which makes me think of one point we haven’t been speaking of: some of the rules restrict the numbers of blocks you can have to build your base, to minimize lag on the server. You would expect less lag on private servers, but it’s not always the case. Most of the rules are made as a patchup solution for lags the owners of private servers cannot fix. So I believe this thread of conversation was more a comparison between the official servers and some private servers held by people with a bit more than average knowledge in hosting game platforms. But let’s not forget that a lot of private servers don’t run that well either, and have their own share of disconnections. Not everyone who owns a server can maintain it properly :sweat:

I will have a look at it right now, thank you.

No, @DeaconElie is right on this one :slight_smile:
Steam shows you live data… so that’s the current concurrent players connected that you see in the top:

And the entries you see on the graph are still concurrent players but averaged out to the hour :slight_smile: and the peak is the maximum concurrent players recorded…
So none of that data shows you an actual daily total… unlike that other website (which btw I also think is inaccurate)

As for the question whether consoles or PC players are in a majority, I have heard these rumors too that Consoles sort of took the lead, however if I had to guess, based on the general interactions of people and whatever limited data we have… I would think they’re sort of in the middle like when they say “lead” don’t think of extremes like 90% / 10%, but rather 52% / 48% etc :stuck_out_tongue: something similar… ofc I pulled these numbers from… yea :smiley: but that’s the impression I’m getting anyway

Eeeeew :frowning: that sounds bad…

All these comments are making me wanna rent a private server with a few non-gameplay-altering UI mods and then throw away the keys and only clean the db once in a while but otherwise let it float out there as an option for some :joy:

@donbzm You described the situation so well :exploding_head:

Just to be clear most of this is important information to be sure, however there is one more also equally important point to be made: Funcom can renegotiate the terms, the contract they have, or simply not renew their contract with GPortal if they so desired.

There is no Corporation on the Planet Earth who would sign an service agreement or contract with another company, especially if this contract had any lasting effect on their business profits or otherwise, without some sort of written assurance of quality of said service, period.

One would need to beg the question why hasn’t Funcom brought GPortal to task for their poor server performance ? So no Funcom does not get any sort of “out” for lack game performance issues that impact the playerbase of their games.

This is the experience with many (most?) players who try or stay with the private server route and again many (most?) will have again many negative experiences more often than positive ones due to the human and server owner bias factor inherent with these types of contacts and interactions.

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This statement right here is the obtuse to the issue consoles have with the server performance. They do not have any option for dedicayed or other providers for priavtes.

Nah, you just took it out of context :man_shrugging: since that was clearly a direct response to someone who said they had issues with a dedicated server on their internal LAN, which was most definitely not a console user…

But yes, it does indeed suck that consoles have limited options… and they also can’t use mods… and most of them right now are having client side performance issues as well since even the newer models have been struggling since chapter 3

But my point still stands, FC has to fix the issues. players should not be buying expensive hardware or shopping around for premium servers to play a game they paid for.

As all other game companies with official servers have to do in this industry. Par for the course, game on.

And it was.

What keys are you talking about please? :thinking:
What does db mean please? I looked for it online, but I don’t think you mean dubnium, decibel, or d[censored] b[censored] (thank you online dictionary). :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I think official servers will still draw people in as long as there are new chapters/ages including new mechanics to discover. If the chapter only brings decorative items but no new contents, then sure, the modded private servers will florish more compared to the official ones. But trying out the new mechanics on a blank canvas (like an official server, or a vanilla private server) sounds more appealing to me as of right now.

Exactly. The human factor weighs a lot.

This number I know is a current number, perhaps updated once every hour, but that wasn’t the number I was referring to, it was actually the number marked in the image below :wink:

I am really trying to understand this so please forgive my lack of understanding the steam charts correctly :joy:

So the Avg. Players Last 30 Days cannot be converted to a daily average based on data from a month, then what is it based on?

I meant “throw away the keys” as in not actively play on it as an admin :stuck_out_tongue:
And db means database so basically the save that contains all player buildings and stuff

That’s the same, it’s basically saying
“During the last 30 days on average there were this many players connected simultaneously”

So how does this work? Steam periodically records the number of active players… that could be as frequent as once per second… or once per minute… it adds them all up and divides them by the number of times it took the reading to get an average.

The daily average you see there is still a “concurrent players” average using the above method… it’s just limited to the readings they took during a specific day.

And no, you can’t get an accurate number of how many different people connected during a day based on that, since some people play half an hour and log off, while others do 6 hour play sessions so they would’ve been counted multiple times.

Hope that explains it a bit better

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@Xevyr Ooh, alright, thank you very much!

Then yes, your idea of mods would make it a nice private server.
Simplicity is the key to success :blush:

Some mods are so heavy on the eyes, it makes you wonder if you’re still in Conan Exiles or if you transfered to the Lord of the Rings or the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Frankly, you don’t really know anymore… Like, factions of elves and such… what the cheese, I know that Tolkien was contemporary with Howard, but still… :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Though I admire the talent of the modders, they do get the background universe mixed up sometimes.

Yeah still playing it here- im ignoring the disconnects since it actually isnt affecting my character or the game. I log right back and continue. I lose nothing actually. Currently timing thrall leveling even with disconnects and still on the same track of 2-3 hours to do it.

So 2.5 hours and 5 disconnects. Two more thralls complete

Imagine your phone rebooting 5 times in 2,5 hours :grin:
“Nah, bro, da phone is fine, I just dial my contact again and continue interrupted conversation as usual”

I would really appreciate the recipe for that. :clap:t3:

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That has not been my experience.

Official servers are a nice whipping boy, but the fact remains that it is the Live Services constant validation that has caused the most egregious issues.

I stopped playing on official servers in November 2021. The auto delete when built on water bug, the auto delete when built touching a POI, the authentication failure, the current disconnect situation, and many other bugs are a result of inadequate testing and sloppy code control.

If this we’re not the case, my rented servers and private app servers would be unaffected.

But, they are not.