Changed my Steam Review to Negative

Yes, you mentioned that before.
Question: Are your rented servers on Gportal?

Second question: You mentioned getting disconnected on your local LAN server. Does that happen constantly every time you go fight a boss?

These are yes or no questions…

Getting a disconnect on a local server once in a blue moon because your connection to the Funcom services actually gets interrupted is not the same as getting disconnected every time you attack a boss without exception.

Also, as I clarified above, I am talking about the issues that are constant… the things that make the game “unplayable” in a constant fashion… I’m not talking about a weekend’s worth of outage.

Yes, I love the arm-chair programmers who can all do it better :slight_smile:

The bottom line is this… it’s true, the game is very susceptible to server performance due to its nature… if the server is of bad quality… or is overbuilt in a fashion that slows replication… you will experience bugs that are otherwise not present when this is not the case… and official servers are not a “whipping boy”, since they qualify for this and they are of bad performance… or… does anybody here doubt that and think we’re just pointing fingers at them for no reason?.. :man_shrugging:

10 hours 1 disconnect. To the private server I’m on that is in EU. I’m in NA.

Xevyr, still of the opinion you are way off on your guesstimate of what percent of the issues are severer caused.

On the private server I’m on besides the common be civil rules. You are allowed 1 map room, are supposed to keep foundation blocks to a minimum; preferring pillars and ceiling tiles. And don’t use ice bridge “because it makes the server cry”.

Yes, the public servers are what you would expect from anything that says “public”. Think bus station bathroom. In my opinion the poor preforming public servers just gives the game a black eye from the start. There are issues players will experience on the “public servers”, and on consoles they wont have on a good server or playing single player. Those issues are why I only have a tiny foot print on an official severer.

Seriously, funcom, do you want people to form their opinion of your business based on a bus station bathroom experience ?

Thing is I still have the same issues I’ve had on the public server on a private server with few players and limited building. As well as an active admin; got a same day warning about using the skull exploit.

The only issues I don’t have on a private server are those directly related to big or heavy builds. Aside from population lag. Which by my guesstimate is only about 30% of the issues I have with the game.

Still love to see a server upgrade come with the battle/chapter pass.

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Am I thou? :stuck_out_tongue: like your first statement pretty much confirms that too…
It’s possible I didn’t express myself clearly enough though… I’m talking about all these “Game is unplayable” reports… pretty much all of them are down to server issues… so if anything I’d say my estimate is a bit conservative…

From what you said you’re on a small family server though, so I’m sure that’s not using an overly fancy hosting service that would be required for public servers, yet it’s still running better from your description.

In any case, the foundation thing is an urban legend so maybe you want to inform your server owners of that? maybe you don’t… up to you :slight_smile:
There is zero performance benefits from using pillars and ceiling tiles over foundations… quite the opposite… since they all cost the same and you’re using pillars as an extra… so that’s not going to do them any good.

The bottom line is this though, public servers need to be more robust than private ones… since they’re getting way more abuse… and don’t have admins present to fix issues… and currently the exact opposite is the case, they’re much worse than most private servers ran by inexperienced admins on dodgy hosting services… and they’re not even comparable to private servers ran by an actual qualified admin staff on premium servers…

So the fact that you can even draw a comparison between that small family server and a pubic one… and have the small family server come out on top… is really bad…

Like bathrooms :grin:

Now that I will agree with.

Not wrong.

I think a big chunk of the problems on official servers would be resolved if there were active admins on the servers. Even if FC didn’t want to pay for them they could set up some kind of volunteer system. Sure there would be problems with that that would need to be worked through.

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And this is where I summon forth the forum god of justice (@Cattibria )that weighs the souls of posters on a volunteer basis to get feedback on how managing official servers on a volunteer basis would go considering all of the claims of moderator abuse I see on the forum and I know I probably only see a tenth of it.


It could work. A lot of games do that.

The games that do that don’t have several hundred servers. Accountability for those volunteers would be near impossible. If some of you fear admin abuse on privates… imagine what it would be like for those admining servers they have no stake in.

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Wouldn’t the admins just be able to take pictures to report, like normal players do? Maybe with a special Admin account to fly around to take pics quickly, but without the possibility to destroy the bases and stuff… and it would be up to FC to decide what to do on it?

Once someone has an admin password, they could use throwaway accounts to wreck utter havoc. Keeping their main accounts free and in the clear.


Being a nice guy that never would have entered my head.

But we have been over the cure for these issues a few times. What it comes down to is Funcom would rather invest in artists and coders time to produce content to sell for short term players. Then to invest in good servers and adequate admin for those servers.

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It will never happen with the current structure of the official Servers to have volunteer moderators. They offer the servers for free for our use to play multiplayer for the game. We can rent a server for our use and others to play with us. The Zendesk staff is the closest thing we will see to moderation of the Official servers.