Changes to the greatsword

So heya exiles! In the latest patch notes there was mention of the greatsword getting a little rework.

I haven’t been able to get on for the last week and am curious to hear people’s opinions on the latest patch.

P.S. I’m a huge fan of the recent weapons overhaul, in particular the greatsword getting a power attack.

I waved it around a little last night while trying to fend off a dozen wights. The movements are pretty fluid now, but it felt like the reach is shorter than it used to be. Admittedly, I was kinda busy trying to stay alive so I didn’t have as much time to take notes, so more scientific experimentation is necessary.

The new overhead chop move is great for finishing off unconscious enemy NPCs your truncheon-armed thrall friend knocked out but who you don’t want to take home.

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Great! I’ve been doing home repairs the last few days and have missed the update, but hopefully I’ll be on a bit tonight. My buddy said the new update is awesome!

And yes, the chop is the best update to the game to date in my opinion lol. Hopefully all of the weapons get a rework that is similar. I feel more in control of the combos with the finishing move being separated to the combo, more like dark souls now.

Multiple simple actions to string together make for a better feeling of control and complexity to the combat system, and I love it! Now if we received the dark souls leap attack and Sprint attack combat would feel complete.

Was 1h sword also changed? Because some guy at reddit complained…

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Lol. I couldn’t say, I’ll be on tonight to check it out. But your comment “some guy on Reddit complained” cracked me up!

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So I went to a stroll in the Warmaker’s Sanctuary, first alone (my first time there and I managed to beat the end boss, yay me! - ran away from the Arena Champion, though, I hear she’s a monster) and then with a thrall. My thrall had a spear at first and she had serious trouble with the Gate Guardian, so I gave her a two-handed sword, and she seemed to like it a lot.

I fought some stuff with a two-handed sword myself, too, and I quite like it. The attacks are pretty fluid now and the speed is actually pretty good for such a monster damage-dealer. And now that I had time to think about it a little, I don’t think the reach has got any shorter either, it may have been my timimng or oddly moving enemies that made me feel like I was missing a lot. I’ve never been an expert with two-handers.

Based on my recent experiences (strictly PvE, though, so your mileage may vary if there’s an actual person driving the toon in front of you), one-handed axes, daggers, greatswords and even spears are all quite nice and useful now. Not against every opponent, but that’s the point - each weapon type has its specialized use now, and I quite like it. There’s something funny about one-handed swords - some varieties of combos seem to work very nicely, whereas others have a weird pause between attacks that breaks my rhythm. Maces and warhammers I don’t like, even though the latter seems to be popular among PvPers, and I haven’t tested the two-handed axe or short sword yet.

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The short sword is pretty impressive, j use it alot in pvp. It’s fast enough to catch a fleeing opponent and strong enough to kill in a couple hits.

I hopped on and am definitely happy with the smoother greatsword animations! They’re significantly faster! All in all it’s definitely a successful change

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