Chat box functions for Consoles

Whenever the devs give the “it isn’t possible” answer to basic features other unreal engine games support I roll eyes in frustration because it shows either being to lazy to do it, or they don’t have the will to learn how.

They used to say adamantly that riding horses would not be possible. Now i have a stable of them…
Why hasn’t one of the simplest basics to a game like this not been fixed yet? The devs claimed years ago it would be impossible to implement a chat function into the console version, even though it exists in the pc version. As well as that there are many other Unreal engine games that have chat windows by default, namely off the top of my head ‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ and ‘Sea of Thieves’

We know the programming exists for it. You can write on a note or sign, edit names of thralls or pets. Why not press a button or select from the emote wheel and open a chatbox? It could be just nearby chat, or have the split to specify tribe or global (the way ark does it)

They even introduced DnD dice, which are nothing more but a waste of a bone on console, since there is no chat box to display what you rolled, or the ability to place it down for decoration.

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I am pretty sure they didn’t say this would not be possible, just that they have no intention to implement it, which in my view seems worse, as that sounds like they can do it, but they just don’t want to. Although not a game using the Unreal engine, Final Fantasy XIV also has it’s chat window on the PS4 version.

Yea, just found where they said this on thier Twitter when someone asked about it… frankly disappoints me…

But they have actually said in a twitch stream that they can’t, around the same time they said that riding would be impossible…

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I think fortnite has ingame chat, why Conan can’t

Really Fortnite vs Conan… thats a joke or ney?

As a programmer, you really don’t want in-game chat on consoles. On the ps4 you can use its built in chat/party system.

Also search for hidden player list for reasoning.

The chat system allows you to send a message tribe wide, or server wide. It allows the use of the dice. Not everyone on xbox sits in a party chat, or the same party chat. And if you are using a party chat it is impossible to speak in the game chwt without leaving the party. Text chat is a feature that should have been there from the start

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You could use the xbox message to contact other players, I know it’s not quite what you want but it’s still possible.

We have a Party system on Console and a ingame voice chat. Thats enuff for Console. :blush::v:t4:

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